Chapter 2

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The next day I had a reason to wake up. It was Saturday and that meant I would go to the  animal welfare for volunteering. I love animals, you offer them so few things and they offer you so much. They show their appreciation and love in such a way, to such an extent that a human being could never. In addition, my childhood friend, Alexa, would  be there. She is a special girl and she looks great, but her personality is what excites me. I admire her red long hair and her beautifully large and expressive green eyes, her slender features and her well-shaped body.

My descriptions may sound like I am in love with her or that I have a sexual interest in her as all 16 year old boys would do.But it is not so, it is something innocent and pure. She is the person I feel comfortable with when I am with her, I always look forward to meeting her and talking freely about everything. She tells me about her adventures, her life experiences, but also her concerns and every time I listen to her with real interest and I try in every way to encourage her and make her feel better. I wish I was honest with her and I could tell her what has been happening to me lately.But when you know that a person  cares about you and you know that if she sees your wound, then it will automatically become her own wound, you keep the feelings and the pain for yourself, in order to calm her down and protect her. 

I got ready, ignored the silence that prevailed in the house, due to yesterday's fight and got on my bike. The day was exactly as I like it, cloudy sky, giving you the hope that during the day it will rain and the nature will be hydrated.

When I ride my bike I am always abstract, I am transported to the world of thoughts. Many times I find myself observing my city and once again I declare myself grateful to live in Vienna, such a charming, lively city. There is certainly beauty in the world, but many times we refuse to see it, and other times it just is not enough to arouse our interest. Eventually every kind of beauty loses its value.

I arrived at the shelter and found that Alexa was not there. Surprisingly, since she was always consistent. The hours passed and she did not show up, she did not answer my phones. I felt my stomach churning, my body burning. The truth is that when I can not communicate with someone, then I start going crazy. From a young age when someone did not answer my phone calls, I could not calm down until they showed signs of life again. For example, when my mother was out for work and she was late, I thought the worst had happened to her, I remember desperately calling everyone who knew her with the hope that they were informed where she was, until she finally came back and told me that she was just at church and her cell phone was switched off.

The hours of the day passed and the night arrived. In my room I was anxiously waiting for a message or something to make me sure that she was not in danger. I could not sleep and at 5 o'clock in the morning, I heard the vibration on my cell phone.

Alexa : ,, Meet me outside the Lutheran Hospital.''

I felt my heart fall inside my body

I felt my heart fall inside my body

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2021 ⏰

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