February 10th: Shembot (2 sets), Smirnoff Mule (2)

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👁️‍🗨️: 10th of February. The date was encircled with red making pen and the calendar says "Full Moon". It's not gonna be a problem for you, because you'll just crystalize when the moon comes up tonight. No. But it's gonna be a problem for Even and his boyfriend, Tarjei.

It's late in the afternoon, five hours before the singing sun sets and six hours before Tarjei turns into a werewolf.

In this town, werewolves are illegal. Like marijuana, cocaine and John Green books, being or owning a werewolf is banned inside the town proper. People are suppose to turn into crystal when the moon peaks- the council argued- not something hairy and that howls. No. That's too odd.

So every full moon, Tarjei hides below Even's basement.

"Come on, man," Even called, walking down the basement. Tarjei was standing on the basement's doorway, shaking his head.

"Do we have to do this everytime?" The boy asked, still blocking the doorway and not moving a muscle. His deep voice echoing within the underground room.

"Not everytime," Even said, offering his hand. "Just tonight. Once every month and after that, you are free to go."

"B-But, I'm scared."

"Babe," Even went up and reached Tarjei's arm. "It'll be alright. I promise."

"You promise?" Tarjei's eyes glowed neon blue.

"Yes. Here's a thing. I won't leave you. Not until the sun sets? Is that okay with you?"

The boy nod. Even smiled and gave Tarjei a small pat on the head. His hand bouncing on the boy's curly hair.

👁️‍🗨️: The wooden stair boards creaked below their feet. Even reached the basement's floor first, Tarjei followed. The boy eyed the room's West side, a small window was open, letting a small orange ray from the setting sun lit the cold room. Below the window was a couple of loose chains with cuffs as ends.

Even saw Tarjei's eyes glow, intensely. A low growl escaped from his boyfriend's throat. Even touched the boy's back.

"It's okay, man. Come on." Even reached for Tarjei's hand, guiding him towards the chains. A foot away, they stood for a moment.

"You gonna do it? Or you'll let me personally strip your clothes off?" Even asked.

"I can do it," Tarjei answered, lifting his gray shirt off his body. Even watched as he unzip his jeans and letting it fall down from the boy's strong legs- and on his boxers, he kneeled.

The cuffs stung at first, for they were cold. After locking up the final cuff on Tarjei's neck, Even stepped away, a few feet away where Tarjei wouldn't reach him. The boy was sitting with his legs crossed, so Even did the same.

👁️‍🗨️: "Sing a song for me?" Tarjei whispered. From the shadows of the West corner, the chains rattled softly. The boy raised his head, letting Even see his blue irises.

"Babe, I don't sing," Even said jokingly.

Tarjei growled, "Please."

"Alright, what do you want me to sing?"

"Our favorite."

And so, he sang... He sang for a minute, about two lovers walking under a moonlit field, not worrying about the town's curse or any other curses. They were safe from anything for their love heals.

Even's song was interrupted when a violent rattle echoed within the walls.

"Get this thing off me!" It was Tarjei, his transformation has begun. Even stood up. It was too painful to watch, but he's been watching since the first full moon when Tarjei told his secret, it's a tad bearable since.

"Get this thing off me!" The boy screamed, clawing the metal cuff on his neck. Scratching his throat in the process. Even saw blood.

It will heal, Even reminded himself. It will heal, don't let him fool you again with his antics.

"Let me go!"

"No, Tarjei, just-"

"Do you love me?" the boy screamed. "I'm in pain, let me go. Please!"


"Fuck you!" Tarjei screamed, his neon blue eyes glowed intensely. "I will kill you after this! I will rip your eyeballs off your skull! Aaaargh-!"

"No, you won't."

No, he won't. Even reminded himself. No, he won't.

👁️‍🗨️: The screams became growls and the threats of killing were replaced by the sounds of breaking and moving bones. His skin was replaced by fur, dark with steaks of gold. The floor took more scratches, the claw marks overlapping.

Tarjei wasn't finished but Even was. So he climbed up and closed the basement's door. On times like this, he would sit on the couch, turn the TV on and watch how people caught the moonlight's curse. But tonight, he decided to sit beside the basement door, his head and back leaned on the wooden surface- listening to Tarjei muffled cries.

They couldn't share with the same space, they could share on the same pain, at least.

👁️‍🗨️: [connection terminated]

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