Chapter 3

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  And oh... There's no telling where this might lead...

"I thought to bring her here since she's bent on killing herself."
Mom looked so frail now. Dad was looking so old. Timothy looked liked a vibrant 20 year old kid. I was not going to say a word till Mrs Smith came. I found it hard to call her Mother.
"You know she can't be here Teo. Mrs Smith made us promise. Teo is she going to be fine? With the abortion and all?" I scoffed. She acted like she cared.
"I think so but I have to check to know. If only she allowed me to." Dad just sighed. They didn't even act like they missed me. Where was Mrs Smith when I needed her?
"Have this Sister." Timothy dropped a glass of water for me on the table. It made me remember when Tim (as I called him) was younger. He followed me around and liked eating with me but I ignored him because I was always angry at everyone. I would rather starve than drink water from this house. Mrs Smith came in then.
"Are you okay dear? " I was angry with her.
"I want you to file a restraining order this minute."
"I wiil do that. This was not what we agreed on Ma'am. Let's go." I was about to leave when Mom hugged me. Why did she do that? I shrugged her off.
"Can you give us a minute Mum?" I had to make them believe I now referred to Mrs Smith as my Mum. Mrs Smith seemed surprised at what I said but she just nodded and headed outside.
"You now call her Mum? I am still alive!" How dare she use that tactic? I was still angry at her. I laughed at her statement.
   "Why do you suddenly care? You are dead to me so why can't I call her 'Mum'?" Mum looked dejected as she held her head.
"I will not allow you disregard your mother over some one you're not even related to." Who said Dad could talk? He was the reason Mum disliked me.
  "Can you please shut up? I think it'd be better if you kept your mouth shut. And woman, She is more of a mother to me than you will ever be. I only needed you to love me. All you ever did was blame me for his mistake! I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT! You made me question why I was born a girl. You pushed me to run away from home. And what did you do when Mrs Smith gave you money to leave me be? You accepted it. You make me afraid to bring a child into this world. So if I get an abortion it's none of your business! This will be the last time you talk to me or barge into my life all of you. I no longer want to see or hear about you all... It's what you all deserve for what you all caused me."

As I waited for Tabitha outside, I sighed. All the wealth in the world was vanity upon vanity. My husband had died years ago. I missed him whenever I had thoughts like this on my mind. Whenever I looked at Tabitha, It made me feel so bad. How could I tell her what my husband and I had done? I was going to die soon. I loved her with all my heart like the very daughter I had lost to an accident. Telling her would break her...


I sighed as Tabitha left. I remembered the day she went missing. I had woken up early in the morning to take my bath as I was heading back to College. I did not see Tabitha. She was always the first to bath. Could she have slept in? When it was time to eat breakfast I still did not see her.
"Where is Tabitha Mum?" Mum was dressed in her suit already.
"She's probably still sulking. She'll come around. TABITHA!" There was no reply.
"Just let her be you two. I'll try to pacify her." Maybe Dad wanted to get her sweets. I knew she was angry at me yesterday. I had hoped to give her back her money while she saw me off to the train station.
"Good Morning Mum. Where is Sis Tabitha? Her Uniform is still in the hanger." Mum became furious as she got up to go to Tabitha's room.
"God knows I'll beat the living hell out of her this morning. She's already late to school..."
"She's not in her room. Where did she go?"
"I will go check her in school when I get off work dear. Get going so you won't be late. I'll drop off Timothy and Teo." Mum kissed my forehead and Timothy's before going. 
  "Can you please help me tell her I'm sorry for yesterday?" Mum said as she walked to the door.
"I will."

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