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Seonghwa turned around to see the boy stopped playing the piano and his back facing him.

"P-pardon?" He's now pretty scared because of the other boy's chuckle.

"We just met and you're just going to leave like that? Besides, you're stepping your feet in my house without any invitations, so I'm not going to let you go that easily," The boy turned around and had a smile on his face.

"O-oh so this is your house? I'm sorry then,"

"I'm pretty lonely here so would you like to have a conversation with me for a little?"

"Yeah, s-sure,"

Seonghwa sits on a sofa and the boy sits on a smaller sofa on the opposite side of him and lit up the fireplace.

"I'm Hongjoong, and you are?"

"I'm Seonghwa, and sorry for interrupting you earlier,"

Why is this guy feels so sketchy right now, and his voice is so...intriguing in some type of way, Seonghwa thought to himself.

"Yeah, it's alright, but you have to pay for what you did,"

"Yeah man um I'm sorry but I don't have any money right now-" Seonghwa got cut off by Hongjoong chuckling.

"I'm not talking about money, silly boy, I'm talking about you, your soul, and your sane mind," he whispers from the back of Seonghwa's ear.

"H-huh...?" Seonghwa got chills down his spine and cold sweat start dripping from the back of his head and gulped down his saliva.

Hongjoong grabs Seonghwa's chin and pulls it until their faces are an inch close. Seonghwa doesn't know why he couldn't move nor react to anything that's happening.

"You look so beautiful up close, Hwa darling," He kisses the other boy's cheek.

Seonghwa is so confused as to why is he not reacting to that and just froze in place.

"Why aren't you reacting honey? Are you scared? Relax, I won't bite," Hongjoong smiles mischievously.

"I- umm what do you want from me exactly?" Seonghwa started to breathe heavily.

Hongjoong sits on Seonghwa's lap and brings his face closer.

"I already told you what I want from you, aren't I?"

"T-Then what do you want me to do?"

"Would you sacrifice your pure soul and sane mind for me, Hwa darling?" Hongjoong looked at the other with a seductive stare.

"W-What do you mean?"

"Oh darling, you're too pure and innocent to know, poor you, but I like it," The boy said with a chuckle while putting both of his hands on Seonghwa's shoulder.

The Devil's Piano | seongjoong ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora