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THE FOOD SERVICES in Alfea were terrible. It didn't serve the exact quality that Solaria has. That's why Ilia never eaten anything in the lunch hour. Since it was the first day no one gave a damn. She was sitting with the fourth years that worshipped her. They were always asking her questions and it bored her to no end. Since Beatrix was with Riven at Downing's office she was stuck with these idiots.
Stella and Sky approached her with blunt smiles. Ilia smirked at their direction as she left the table without saying goodbye to the others.
"What's with the map?" She asked. Sky looked at her direction.
"We have a plan and this map can help us."
Ilia knew this was crap and they all knew it. Her lips pursed when they arrived at the table that the 3 girls and Bloom was sitting. They all looked confused that Ilia the arrogant sister of Stella approached their table.
"We have a plan to get my ring back." Stella spoke as they opened the map. The Earth fairy started babbling about the map and Ilia rolled her eyes and played with the bridge of her nose. This was gonna be a nightmare.
"No one cares." She snapped at the girl who was telling her some story. She immediatly shut up. The girl with the headphones looked sharply at her direction.
"And why are you here?"
Ilia smirked and created 2 big light balls in her hand.
"I can do things my sister can't" She shot a look at the older Princess who was glaring at both her and Bloom.
Once the attention was on the map again they decided it was the best it was in the barn.
"Let me know when you guys wanna do it." Bloom glanced at both sisters as she gathered her book and left leaving the other girls in worry and Ilia in satisfaction.
"Man that was awkward." She spoke in delight as the other girls glared at her. Ilia rolled her eyes and muttered. "No one appreciates my jokes around here." After shooting a fake smile at the girls she quickly walked away from the Sad Breakfast Club.
"That was epic." Ilia was currently laying down naked in Beatrix's bed. They just had an another lady kisses session.
"You really do have a way with words. Against other things..." Beatrix leaned over to her and smirked.
"You know it princess." Ilia purred as she pecked her lips. They both sighed as Ilia cuddled to her closer.
"This lady kisses sessions are a great distraction from all the shit Stella forced me." Ilia snorted. Beatrix turned to her with a small lazy smirk in her lips.
"Well, I would be more delighted if you helped me free Rosalind but we can take our time." Ilia nodded in delight.
"We will, Trix trust me." They both smiled at each other. "But for now, round two?"
"I would love to but Riven said he'd come over, he says he needs to get high."
Ilia sat up straight. Since when they were so close together? "I never thought you guys were that close." Beatrix raised and eyebrow as she got closer.
"Are you jealous?" Ilia snorted and look away.
"No! Definetely not, If anyone who is jealous of Riven is a dude." She remarked looking away.
"I'm only interested in you." Beatrix leaned over and whispered in her ears and kissed her earlobe just as the door opened and Riven entered.
"Sorry girls, am I bothering your little session? Do you want one more to play?"
Both fairies rolled their eyes as they attempted to sit away from each other.
"Do everyone here a favor and go fuck yourself." Ilia remarked as Beatrix chuckled.
"You heard the princess."
These three were gonna be her best friends. She was sure of it.
These three musketeers were just chilling in their room when Ilia's phone beeped. Silva was moving the Burned One. Ilia swore quietly as she stood up.
"I have to go. Ring shit." She casually said. Beatrix send her a wink.
"Don't be a stranger." Ilia nodded in response and went to join the sad Scooby Doo Gang.
"You don't have to be here Aisha." She heard her sisters voice when Ilia approached the gang.
"You need me." Aisha shot back. Ilia casually sneaked around from the two.
"Only thing you all lack is power." She remarked as Stella shot her a glare.
"No one asked you." Her older sister shot back. Ilia crossed her arms as the earth fairy also joined them.
They all went through the barrier as Ilia glanced at the forest they have been leaving left behind.
Stella's eyes widened when the ring was missing at the barn. "Mom is gonna kill us." She muttered.
Ilia rolled her eyes. "Correction, she's gonna kill you. My ring is still here." Everyone ignored the younger light fairy as they heard Bloom scream from the outside.
As Stella, Aisha and Ilia seperated from her to find the others Ilia saw that Stella was struggling to create a light. Ilia clicked her fingers and 2 light bulbs appeared in front of Stella.
"Try to listen to your instincts sometimes." She remarked.
Stella went to go get help as Aisha and Ilia continued to walk. When they both saw the burned one Aisha created a water canon as Ilia shot a ray of light.
It was dead. As Bloom got the ring back she gave it to Ilia.
"Great Job Scooby Doo Gang." She remarked sassily as Aisha rolled her eyes.
"I'm pretty sure you didn't do anything." Ilia crossed her arms as she went back to the school.