Chapter 14 - For A While.

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You woke up depressed. It had been a few weeks since your fathers death and it all kind of hit you at once after his funeral. You finally came down from the shock.

You never realized he was really gone until you thought about calling him and realized you couldn't. You felt like it was all your fault. Surely god was punishing you for everything bad thing you had ever done.

You wish your father didn't die thinking that you were a disappointment. You wish he died with the thought that he loved his daughter.

It was worse that your mother hadn't called you since his death too. You didn't expect her to, but it hurt knowing she was going through this alone. You just wish you could have changed things, could have said things before he was gone. You wanted to be there for your mother too, even though she was never there for you.

You just felt a whole burden of emotions. They all washed over in your chest, like tidal wave after tidal wave. You already knew it was going to be a tough day.

Swaddled up in Adams bed, sheets wrapped on your body, you could feel Adam stir awake beside with you a low groan. He wrapped his arm tighter around your waist, beginning to croak in voice to you.

"Kid." Adam whispers beside you in his bed, his big body wrapped around your small frame.

"Mhm?" You hum tiredly, too exhausted to open your eyes again. You just wanted to sleep forever and disappear.

"I have to go the theatre today..." he murmurs, hoisting himself on one arm to look down at you. He began to run his thick fingers through your hair.

You knew Adam had started taking classes at a local theatre, just a few blocks down from his apartment. There was always some book or script strewn somewhere in his apartment, and you often found him with his nose buried in the spine of one too.

You paused for a moment.

You needed him right now. You just needed him to stay with you in bed all day and comfort you. "Please stay." You croak, voice cracking with sadness.

He silent as he continues to run his fingers through your hair, sighing deeply. "I can't, I gotta go kid. This is important to me." He protests.

"Please." You plead. "I need you today." You add, voice hoarse. In that moment, you were glad your face was turned away from his, because now, tears started to spear into your eyes.

Adam could tell you really did need him, but he needed to leave. The opening for the play he was in was two weeks from now, and he couldn't miss another rehearsal. He couldn't be your therapist everyday.

He didn't respond, but you could feel the bed dip as he rolled off, walking over to his dresser and throwing on some old shirt and his usual jeans. You could feel a lump forming in your throat as you watched him getting ready, tears continuing to prick in your eyes.

"Adam, I need you today, I c-can't do this alone." You protest one last time, your eyes desperately scanning him.

He looks over at you, his dark doe eyes filled with a look you couldn't read. "It'll only be a few hours kid, you'll be fine, I promise. I'll be back before you know it." He says, giving you one last glance.

He leans back over the bed to press a kiss to your temple, his lips like fire on your skin. And then, he was grabbing his keys and lumbering out of his bedroom, slipping on his shoes and leaving before you could plead with him any more.

You were left to the silence of his apartment, along with the sound of dripping taps and rowdy upstairs neighbours.

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