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Hmm, what should I wear? Myungjun thought, as he looked through his wardrobe.

He was going on another date; this time he's meeting with a guy he matched with on a dating site.

Myungjun finally made a decision to wear a white button-up, blue skinny-jeans, and a pair of white Vans shoes.

After dressing into his outfit, he walked out of his room to see Jinwoo sitting on the couch. As soon as he heard his footsteps, he looked at Myungjun, with an eyebrow raised.

"Going on a date?"

"Yeah. With someone from Tinder." Myungjun answered, taking his keys off of the key-rack beside the front door.

"Goodluck. Hopefully it's not actually an old man." Jinwoo joked, and looked back at the TV that he was watching.

"I sure hope not." He chuckled. "See you later."

"See 'ya."


"-and then- hey, are you listening?"

"Huh?" Myungjun perked up, and looked at his date, who was staring at him expectantly. "Sorry, I'm just...distracted."

"It's alright. I could tell since you got here that you didn't look very happy. It was very obvious." He said, with a small grin. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"I better not. I don't want to bother you with my problems." Myungjun answered. "Hoseok, listen. I-"

"I know. You don't like me like that. You only like me as a friend. I get that." He interrupted, still with a genuine smile. "If I'm being honest, I don't think I like you like that, either. You're very cute; you have a pretty smile; nice body, and a really good personality. But the spark wasn't there."

Hoseok put his hand on Myungjun's and spoke again. "I would love to be friends with you, though. If you'd like that." Myungjun smiled back sincerely and nodded.

"I'd like that." Myungjun said.

"Now, is that all that was bothering you?"

"Not really, but I don't think I should talk about it right now." Myungjun answered. "Let's just keep eating."

"Are you sure?" He nodded and Hoseok continued. "Alright, but I'll be here for you anytime if you need to talk."

"Thank you. I appreciate that." Myungjun said, and Hoseok gave him another smile, and moved his hand away to pick up his own fork.

"Of course. Now let's eat. We barely got through our appetizer." He started, poking at his dampened lettuce leaves. "My salad is getting soggy now."


By the end of their date, which turned into a normal evening out with a new friend, they were very happy. Neither of them found what they were looking for, but they became friends. So, that was a 'win' at least.

They giggled with each other on their way out of the restaurant, Hoseok's arm around Myungjun's shoulder in a friendly-type-way, and with a teasing smile on the taller's face.

Despite just meeting, they were able to become close.

"What way are you going?" Hoseok wondered, as they stepped onto the sidewalk by the city streets.

"I'm going to my university dormitory. You?"

"Oh, I'm going there too! I didn't know you also stayed in the dormitory. I never see you."

"Really? Wow, I didn't even realize." Myungjun said. "Are you taking the bus or did you drive a car here?"

"I took the bus; I don't have a car." Hoseok answered. "What about you? Do you want to ride back with me?"

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