☞︎︎︎A Creator and Destoryers down fall (prologue)☜︎︎︎

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-Errors pov-

"Give up error! You won't win the fight this time!"

Ink shouted Playfully as He'd Strike me with his Paint Brush getting Paint all over me

"S-sSStOp th-tHrOwiNg p-PpaInT o-oOn m-mME!"

I'd shout Throwing my Strings at ink though Missing him. I got Frustrated but Would Breathe to Calm myself before I actually Break something.

Ever Since me and Ink made that Peace Treaty or whatever it was we'd Train with Each other. I'm not sure why we did but I think it was to keep us Busy since there wasn't Much to do.

Sometimes Ink had to Go fight Nightmare Since he Offten would Destroy (though he couldn't delete the entire code since he's not exactly powerful enough to do so), which I actually never Cared Since At those Times I could Have Time to Myself. Plus Its a Chance I can Steal all of Inks Chocolate since he Sorta Moved into the Anti Void with me.

It was Odd at First but after we set some Grounds we where Able to Co-exist with each other. Of course there Still where Times when I needed to Destory an Au Due to the Ballance Me and ink have to keep...

We've always wondered what might Happen if it was to get out of Hand but we where a little Scared on finding out as it Could Risk Everything. I mean-

"Hellooo??? Anti Void to error you there?"

I'd snap out of my train of thought as I remembered we where Training. Ink as now standing in front of me waving a hand in my Face

"OoOH sSoRrY i-InK I-i g-Got l-lOSt In T-ThOugH..."

I'd sigh.

"What where you thinking about?

Ink happily Said Being the Nosy monster he is


I'd reply as Ink would Pout slightly

He would start to say something but was Interrupted by a Strange Noise as it Cought both of Our attention.


We would both stare for a little soon looking at each other confused by the Sudden Appearance of the Portal

It wasn't Normal

Ink would look back at the Portal walking Over to it And taking a Closer Look. I'd do the same though I was more careful

"What is this?"

Ink would Go around it a little examining it

"H-HhOw s-SsOuLD i-I kNoW?"

I only Looked at it from where I was standing now. Ink seemed really Interested in the Strange Portal that was In front of us now

"What if I Touched it?"

Ink would Reach to touch it but I'd Grab His arm before he did so.

"i-IiNk w-WwE d-DdONt k-kkNOw w-WwHaT i-IiT c-CcOuLd d-DdO. T-TtHIs iSnT n-NnNoMMaLl"

Ink looked at me while I looked back at him.

Before we could say anything Something Grabbed Us Pulling us into the Portal and then everything went Black from there...

-The only Remains of Ink and Error there was an Mysterious note...-

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End of the Prologue

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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