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Trigger warning~mention of rape,drugs, flash back, cutting, attempt of suicide
Re cap-
Togas pov
"Um w-well.." I said studdering "..well what!" Y/n said mad
"I thought-..." I said

Togas pov-
"I thought that if i join you would join.."
I said feeling guilty "...i-" y/n said
" i can't do this without you.." I said remembering the past
"Like remember when i got raped, and when i tired to kill myself.." I mumbled
"Im afraid it might happen again..!" I said kinda shouting, i started to tear up " and i really want to join! But i really need you, y/n please.. For me.." I said sobbing

~flash back~
R/n- "hey cutie~"
Toga- "um hey..?"
R/n-"want to dance?"
Togas mind- omg someone wants tl dance with me!! Im so happy
Toga-"yeah,why not"
R/n- *smirks* lets go the
-time skip after dancing-
R/n-"want a drink cutie?"
Toga-"yeah sure"

Authors pov-
R/n went and got toga a drink but he but this type for drug to make someone pass out in togas drink and then he gives toga the drink and she drinks it

Togas pov~
Toga-' i think i need some Air-"
R/n-" let me help you"

Authors pov- r/n took toga to a room and toga was passed out and he started taking off her clothes and his and touching and doing nasty things to toga untill y/n was looking for toga and she found her and y/n was upset and she went in said locked the door amd drained him from his blood and y/n grabbed toga and put her clothes back on and went home and explained what happened after she passed out

       §~end of flash back~§
Togas pov
"Okay just so i can protect you" y/n said " thank you so much!" I said

Authors note-
Hey readers i hope you enjoyed this my hand hurts really bad and its 2am if your up get some rest also no pictures i use are mine unless i say so if its yours snd you want me too take it down let me now -word count: 368-

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