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        When I was about to fall into the lake someone holds me tight and helped me from falling. I relaxed a bit and thanked that unknown person. He was also wearing a hood with a mask and covered his hair. He sat beside me and told " I was looking at you from a far distance and saw you. You were looking sad with depression, so when you got near to the edge I knew something would happen so I came closer." I thanked him again. I told " Actually when I was coming to sit on the bench I also saw you sad standing alone. Why are you sad?" After asking him the question he became a bit nervous but answered it. He told " I am confused that my fiance loves me or another guy. I first realized it when I left my high school in Seoul. So what about you?" As he shared his sadness I did it too. I said " My problem is a bit the same. Actually, I am afraid that if I tell my fiance that I love him then will he agree or not. In the past time, something made me not believe him at all but I don't know why I still love him." Unknown guy " I understand. So let us continue with our problems and I hope soon they will start to love us." After saying that he left. While thinking about what he said I already forgot to ask his name.

It was getting late so I left that place and went home. The time passed to dinner time. I went down and started eating my food. While eating my dad said " So dear when will you get married. After two weeks, After one week, or after you come back from your trip. I can control myself for days don't worry." Just after hearing that I choked my food. As soon as possible I finished my food and went to bed for sleep.

It was 8at the morning I am ready with my suitcase. I wore a light brown sweater with ofwhite pants and white shoes. I was waiting at the entrance for him. Out of a sudden, the doorbell rang, and saw Jin coming. I went towards and said, "Let's go". He nodded and we left for the airport. Soon the time passed and we were on the plane now. When I looked at my seat number I saw that my seat not with Jin, I told him and started walking towards my seat. But he snatched my ticket and told me to sit on his sit. Actually, besides my seat, there were two boys sitting who were not good to me so I didn't argue and went to his seat. Now beside me, there was a couple sitting and after the takeoff, he kissed his wife like there was no tomorrow, I couldn't take it anymore more imagining me and Jin together so I just closed my eyes. After two hours we reached the Beijing airport and from there we started our journey to Jiuzhai.

It looked us more than two hours to reach the valley. When the car stopped I opened the door and was shocked. I couldn't believe the thing my eyes were showing me.

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