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Saline: the happiest and the most beautiful girl in the art club, she always encourages people to work harder and complements their work no matter how bad anyone else thinks it looks.

Raven: the dark one, you could say that saline and raven are complete opposites, and yet they're best friends. Almost inseparable.

Jack: he's the cocky one, likes to show off his work to everyone. He thinks he's the best. He's also short.

Alexia: shes the shy one, doesn't like to talk to anyone to often but her art is amazing. Shes also my best friend.

Then there's me, max: in my opinion, I'm awful at this, everyone in the club says otherwise, but I'm still not to sure.

"That's just about everyone." Saline said and smiled, "just about?..." I asked and looked up at her. "Yeah, we're gonna have a new member tomorrow. I herd her names Patricia." "Oh great, now I have to talk to her to." I rolled my eyes and put my art supplies away, "does she at least know what this club  or even school is for?" "Probably not, you can't blame her, we didn't know when we first arrived." "I know I know..." I sighed and put my backpack on, "I hope she's not like jack. I don't know if I can take it." Saline giggled and put her hands on her hips, "whatever." "I'll see you tomorrow." "See ya!" She waved as I walked out of the door. I walked towards my dorm and sighed, "tomorrows another day." I walked inside and closed the door behind me, I put my sketch book down on my desk and changed out of my uniform. I took out my phone and started playing some music, I sat down on my bed and stretched. "Tomorrow's another day closer to getting out of here." I laid down and sighed, "I'll have to explain this place to the new girl tomorrow."

The next morning I got up and sighed, I walked over to my closet and got dressed in my uniform. I walked over to my small kitchen set up and made some toast, I can't really cook, I'd definitely burn the place down, hey, maybe that's not a bad idea. "Hmm, maybe not." It said and took a bite of toast, I grabbed my book bag and walked towards the door, I looked back at my desk at where my sketch book lay, I sighed and snapped. It lifted up and flew towards my face, I grabbed it before it hit me and walked out the door. The hallways were always crowded during the morning, and of course it had to be Wednesday, my least favorite day. I carefully moved between blurred faces and got to my classroom, I saw saline and raven talking to each other. In the back of the room was a black haired girl with purple eyes, almost similar to mine, I had more of a magenta color but non-art club people couldn't tell the difference. I sighed and walked over to her, still carrying my sketch book. She looked at me and smiled, "hi.." "hey, I'm guessing you're Patricia?" "Yup, that's me...." "let me guess, you're confused?" "Just a little.." "alright, well, where we're standing is one of the most top secret places in the US, Area 18, and this is the art club, I'm guessing you're really good at art." "I guess..." "I'm sure you're better than me." She just looked away. "Alright...well, you can sit with me and my friend if you want." "Are you sure? I don't want to cause trouble." "I'm sure." She smiled, "ok!"

" She smiled, "ok!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2021 ⏰

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