Kirishima x Reader | Cuddles!

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You and Kirishima had been dating for a while now and the entire class didn't know how you felt about it but Kiri seemed so happy knowing everyone knew that he cared about you, it was manly to say the least.

You and him at little things that you did to show affection since you couldn't really show it verbally, it was kinda hard for you so Kiri made up some things to cheer you up. Forehead kisses, cupping your face, smiling at you, just kissing you and most importantly cuddling.

You and him would cuddle all night, sometimes in his dorm and sometimes in yours. Usually you snuggled up with pillows and blankets not that you really needed too, Kiri provided all the warmth you needed.

Tonight was different for Kiri though, today he wanted to tell you he loved you in the most important and romantic way.

"Hey Ejiro" you say as you walk into his dorm room "Hi beautiful!" He picks you up and you gasp lightly and you start to giggle as he carries you over his shoulder and onto the bed. He nuzzled you nose and kisses your nose "You seem happy today" You say in a sweet voice. "Of course I am..I'm with you Y/N" he give you a sappy smile as he wraps you in his arms and kisses your forehead. "Are you feeling alright today? I just wanna know—" he was suprised to hear you breathing softly, asleep in you arms. He was suprised but he let you sleep anyway. His plan was off track but he would never go down without a fight!

Kiri wasn't too tired so he just started to ramble softly "Gosh...your always so pretty like this, your soft breaths and even the way your face look so great in the moonlight. Your so kind and beautiful so seeing you like this, so happy and a one of the reasons I love you, Y/N..I love you so so so much. Because that's the manly thing to do" he smiled and heard you let out a soft laugh.

"BABY!-" he sat up as you sat up as well, you gave him an awkward smile but he smiled anyway "Were you listening?- I didn't wanna wake you up" You nodded and leaned over to kiss him.

"I love you too Ejiro"

Kirishima is one manly man but this, this was something his heart couldn't take. ❤️

I hope this was alright! I hope you all enjoyed hearing our favorite boi give some love ^^

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 03, 2021 ⏰

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