Unexpected wander leading to a wet end

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Buck wakes to the sound of his alarm. As he reaches over to stop it, he feels the grip around him get tighter and he smiles as he turns to see a half-asleep Aaron give him a smile.

"Just leave it and stay," Aaron says sleepily.

"I can't, I have to work," Buck says as he manages to silence his phone.

"Ok, but later we cuddle," Aaron says as he presses kisses along Buck's chest and up to his lips.

They spend a good five minutes kissing before Buck breaks off the kiss and stares at Aaron, looking him in the eyes and kisses him quickly before throwing the cover over and prying himself out of Aaron's grip.

"I hate going out with a farmer, you're up at stupid hours. It's only 4am! I don't have to be up for another good 4 hours," Aaron grumbles as he moves into Buck's spot and looks at Buck.

"I know, but I love it, like I love you. So sleep and I'll text you later, for our family meal," Buck chuckles.

"Don't remind me, go on, get out of here. Just be quiet," Aaron says.

Buck bends down and kisses Aaron once more. He grabs his phone as he picks up his clothes and walks to the bathroom quietly and quickly, washes and changes, before making his way down the stairs and into the living room.

"Morning, fancy a brew?" Diane says.

"I'm ok thanks, I was going to get one once I got to the farm. What are you doing up so early?" Buck questions as he takes a seat on the sofa to place his boots on.

"Couldn't sleep, one of them nights my mind wouldn't turn off," Diane explains and it dawns on him that her stepson had just turned up.

"About your stepson Robert, right?" Buck asks.

"Yeah, we hadn't heard from him for years and then he just rocks up, engaged to a man! I mean you know I have nothing against it but I just didn't think that about Robert," Diane explains.

"It's fine, I'm guessing on his travels which obviously landed him in America he found someone who makes him complete. We could all do with someone like that," Buck says and then realises that sounded like he wasn't happy and he knew deep down he wasn't.

"Guessing you two aren't fully there then?" Diane questions. Buck watches as she goes into the kitchen.

"Not really. We spoke, you know how he is, hard shell to break. But I won't give up on him, I feel complete here," Buck explains.

"You know you make the village feel complete? You are definitely the life and heart of this village. Just know there are people here for you whenever you need to talk," Diane explains as she comes out with a travel cup.

"I know, and thank you it means a lot to hear that," Buck says.

"Here, take it with you and don't work too hard" Diane says as she hands him the travel cup.

"Thank you," Buck says. "See you later."

Buck takes his leave and walks to his car and sets off to the farm, listening to music and drinking his coffee. When he finally makes it to the farm and pulls in he sees and Pete already stood outside working.

"Must have started early," Buck says to himself as he gets out of the car, leaving the empty mug on the passenger seat.

"Here he is, ready to do some graft!" Pete shouts over to Buck.

"Well nothing new there then, I do the work as you sit round," Buck jokes back.

"Someone has to do all the hard work of sitting in the tractor while the other loads the seeds," Pete chuckles.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2021 ⏰

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