Marleyan Warriors

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Ever since I was little. I've always wondered. What kind of future awaits us Eldians? Will we one day learn to live alongside Marleyans and other kinds of people from different nations? Or will we perish.

Alongside those island devils. I was afraid. Afraid that one one day we Eldians of Marley would no longer be of use. That they would dispose of us.  That future was something I couldn't let happen. We needed to show them.

That the only Eldians left in this world...are good ones.

???: Fynn! "Dinner time come and eat!"

Fynn: "Huh....? Oh yeah...I'm coming dad!"

I had been in my backyard again. Pondering about my life. Our life. I didn't want the food to get cold, so I hurried back into the house.

Fynn: "Where's Lena?"

Mr. Weber: "She went to go buy some fruits with your mother."

Fynn: "I see...." younger sister. While we aren't bound by blood, I've grown to love my little sister. She became someone that I needed to protect. Especially during these times.

As me and my father sat down eating our dinner....It grew too quiet. The reason behind it was understandable, but my father decided to break the silence anyway.

Mr. Weber: "So....your training begins in a couple of months....right?"

Fynn: " a month to be precise."

It had grown quiet again. Just a couple of weeks ago my father was ecstatic about the fact that I would be training to become a Marleyan warrior, but the days past I can see now that It's changed Into anxiousness. Then again...why wouldn't he be? His son and daughter training to become honorary Marleyans, acquiring the powers of one of the nine titans, and reducing our life span to only 13 years. It's something that me and my sister had to come to terms with If we wanted to become Warriors.

Mr. Weber: "Son....there's something I want to give you. Before you leave."

Fynn: "What is it?"

Mr. Weber: "This way."

We got up from our seats and left the kitchen along with the half eaten food. He was heading towards his room. He opened a drawer and pulled out a box. Small enough to put a knife in. He told me to put both my hands out together and he placed the box on them. He opened It to reveal a knife. A clean one at that.

Mr Weber: This was handed down to me when I was around your age by your grandfather. A hunting knife. I've kept it clean ever since, and now I'm handing it off to you...

I took the knife out of Its container. It was nice and clean just as he said it was. The tip being sharp as hell as it's intended to be.

Fynn: "....Why are you giving this to me?"

Mr. Weber: "I'm getting old my'll find more use for it than I will now."

Suddenly he reached his arms out and wrapped them around me. A hug. A tight one at that. I felt tears hitting the back of my shirt. He was crying. For the first time in my life...I witnessed my father sobbing.

Mr. Weber: "No matter what happens to me....I will always love you....and your sister. I will always be watching you...."

At the time....I didn't get it. Why was he telling me this? Why? His two kids were given the chance to become recognized as hero's of Marley. To be seen as Honorary Marleyans, not as devils. So why....why was this happening?

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