Reagan Roth

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  Reagan is an older sister of Rachel Roth. Separated when young to protect her and sister so that if their father ever had come back he'd have a difficult time finding both of them.

  Reagan is a teenage girl who possesses supernatural powers of apocalyptic proportions inherited from her demonic father, Trigon.

Reagan hopes to contain the darkness Inside of her and learn how to relate to other people.

Reagan's Personality:

Because Reagan discovered she had powers at a young age, she developed a very timid and fearful personality because she didn't fully know who she was or what she could do with her abilities.

She was afraid to befriend anyone until she met Gar. Her emotional outbursts and moments of intense duress caused her powers to manifest during those times.

Sometimes when she can't control her other self when it gets out of control refusing to be put back inside and to be let out and do what it was made to do, Destroy.

Reagan's Appearance:

Reagan is a pale girl with long hair dyed purple, blue, black, and faded pink. She wears a lot of dark colors, such as black, grey, purple, blue, etc. She wears alt clothes with her famous platform boots.

Reagan's Powers and Abilities:

Human-demon hybrid physiology;

As the daughter of a human and an inter-dimensional demon, Reagan possesses magical abilities. She is said to have inherited Trigon's power and although he is said to be far stronger she and her sister are believed to be the most effective means to destroy him.

Astral projection;

Reagan can manifest an astral projection through her subconscious, "Soul-Self" a ghostly extension of her soul that exists in a state of pure energy which she can physically project from her body. Her Soul-Self appears as a demonic version of herself with pale skin and dark lines that crack from her completely black eyes and is an independent entity that provides awareness to any impending danger, and can physically interact with those around her to protect Rachel and anyone she cares about.


Through her demonic side, Reagan has the power to produce pure negative energy that resembles a black, viscous liquid or mist from her body and manipulates the element for a multitude of purposes. 

Telepathic linking;

Reagan can envelop two separate targets with her negative energy to link their minds together.

Portal creation; 

Through her demonic side, when under emotional distress, Reagan was shown to create a portal, to Trigon's dimension.


Reagan Can read and enter peoples' minds through physical contact, allowing her to view their memories, and changing them.


Reagan can manipulate and sense the emotions of others, allowing her to gain insight into their thoughts and intentions. Reagan has also demonstrated the ability to send an emotional state of calm through individuals who are in extreme pain, fear, and anger.


Reagan possesses the ability to rapidly heal others from any physical injury but it causes her fatigue.


Reagan has demonstrated the ability to telekinetically move objects or other individuals without Physically touching them. Her telekinetic powers have been able to throw people across rooms and lock doors into place. As well as being able to shatter all the windows when angered.

Telekinetic blasts; 

Reagan can exert enough telekinetic force to form a powerful blast of concussive force, capable of destroying a part of a convent with relative ease.

Soul Absorption;

When Reagan's other side comes to life, she absorbs souls as a food source in order to stay as Reagan.


Reagan can tear down the molecules of a being telekinetically, destroying them, she is also shown to when looking at an object or even slightly touching can destroy it.


As mentioned by her father, Reagan has magical powers as well as her other powers.

Reagan's Weaknesses:

Power instability;

Reagan's biggest weakness is that her powers are unstable since she can't control them, all the time she's afraid of herself and afraid for others.

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