Beginning of the end; The trials are over

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Before the games could start this year there were trials faced upon all tributes, 26 soon became 13 and now only 6 Male and 7 Male tributes shall enter the 76th Annual Hunger Games. 

Each Districts trial was slightly different, they were given choices of supplies or weapons, those supplies varied on the district and the weapon depended on their individual skills, some fought bravely until the end whilst others ran and waited to die but there was no complaints from The Capitol. As the trials ended an announcement came over the whole of Panem "Give it up for our 76th Hunger Games Tributes!!" Called the voice of the head Game Maker Lyssa Caldichi then the face of the President appeared so he could read out the name of the surviving tributes

Ana Husain (District 1)

Abby Torres (District 2)

Robin MacArthur + Andreana Quinn (District 3)

Celine + Lewis Wool  (District 4)

Mary Kearney (District 5)

Seth Lobarn (District 7)

Daniel (District 8)

Caleb (District 9) 

 Elizabeth (D12)

 Katerina Pierce + Gage Harrison (District 13) 


The 76th Games Have now began

Day 1

As the tributes arrived on the Arena grounds, they found themselves spread out across the area some closer to the grounds of the cornucopia than others, 13 pods surrounded the whole of the ruins of the old District 13, All tributes mixed up, Elizabeth, Abby, Ana and Seth had found themselves in the forest expanse which surrounded the ruins whilst the other 9 tributes had found themselves in little craters around the District. The game makers didn't want to make anything simple this year for anyone, no one can ally and with the cornucopia being on the far east of the arena and the nearest spring was on the far west of the forest the cunning makers had placed a cave smack bang in the middle filled with the most hideous creatures.

There were no deaths by battle with other tributes on the first day of the 76th Hunger Games. All the tributes had one goal in mind; finding and locating the cornucopia where all their necessary supplies for survival would be waiting for them. Be it hiding in trees or on trek by foot these Tributes were in for at least a days journey from where they were currently located.

As night had drawn all that could be heard was what could only be described as a mangled monkey cry, echoing around the arena, and to make it worse for those in the forest encampment was that there a yellow poisonous fog coming through from the far edges of the arena, it had been designed as a control to force the tributes to fight one another or die in the darkness of the ruins of District 13. Any tributes who were stupid enough to be caught in the fog wouldn't be killed but maybe they would have wished that they were because the poison in this was hallucinogenic and left the victims to re live the worst thing that has ever happened to them.

District 12 Tribute was the only one to even dare to brave the dreaded Mutt cave, killing all the Mutts in sight. Though there were still some out in the arena itself, Young Caleb from District 9 was unfortunate to be the first victim of the fatally poisonous bite of a Mutt, he lasted 4 hours crawling in the dead of night to find water in the worst of pain to find himself surrounded in fog suffocating to death.

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