05 ➳ʏᴏᴜ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ

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The walls and the ceiling of the room were painted in a smooth, rich velvet color while the floors were tiled with plush fur carpets, made from exquisite animals. In the middle of the room was a circular marble table, with eight chairs surrounding it, each belonging to a member of the League.

All eight members were seated in their respective seat, with you on one side and Shigaraki on the other.

"So, Y/n, it seems that you're still with us" the leader said, as he handed the anti quirk drug over to Mr Compress to inspect "I must say, I am quite impressed that you had made it this far"

"Thank you" you said "I am quite flattered by your words Mr..."

"Mr Shigaraki," the man spoke, leaning forward and holding out his hand to shake "Tomura Shigaraki's the name"

You nodded politely, even though you had already known his name. He was one of the most notorious villain in mankind, due to his ability which allowed him to disintegrate anything he touches. Because of this, the male had significantly risen up to the top of the charts over the past few months and formed the League of Villains, which were a consist of the most elite recruits from all around the world.

You looked at the man's outstretched hand, waiting to be shook. You knew once you touched all five of his fingers, you would decay into dust within mere seconds. You glanced up and caught him grinning slyly with knowingness. He was doing it on purpose.

"It's truly an honor to work with you, Mr Shigaraki" you spoke, forcing on a smile as you brushed off his gesture "I hope we will get along"

The man said nothing, not even a 'Thank you', but instead retracted his hand harshly, and continued to scratch his neck, as if he hadn't heard you.

"Mr Compress, update me with the situation." Shigaraki spoke again "What progress have you made so far?"

"I'm still working on it," Mr Compress replied, examining the quirk destroying drug closer with a magnifying glass. "But there seems to be something odd about this"


"Yes, sir. There seems to be co-ordinates of some sort carved into this, but it's all scrambled into each other, so it'll take me awhile to figure it out, but not too long."

"Good to hear" Shigaraki waved and then faces back to you. "So, Y/n. The reason I brought you here today was to discuss about the fight you had with Stain. The battle was rather... interesting. You were able to display a good amount of control over your quirk but at your final move, it seemed as if you were unfamiliar on how to control and adjust your power, almost as if this was your first time going all out. Am I not wrong?"

"Yes... you're right" you spoke reluctantly, loathing the fact that you were agreeing with the same arrogant man who had ignored your existence moments ago.

"I see..." the man said, leaning forward so his elbows were resting on his knees, as if he was in a deep thought.

Deep silence fell upon the room for two full seconds before he leaned back up and continued speaking.

"Y/n, I would like one of our elite members to be your training buddy" he spoke "They will be in charge of helping you master your moves. Think of them as a two in one package, a trainer and a buddy in one. What do you think?"

You didn't like the idea of 'training buddies' at all. Relying on someone else to train you? No thanks, you could train yourself perfectly. But this was a great opportunity to show your skills and display to him what you were capable of, and this could even help you earn some respect points.

A master plan formed in your mind as you took a quick glance at the other members. You had noticed that most of them were short range attackers, so beating them shouldn't be a problem at all.

"Sounds fine to me" you replied, as if it was no big deal.

"Very well, you're training buddy will be Spinner." he spoke, gesturing to the reptile-like man who was seated next you "He is an expert in close combat and swords, and has quick speed. I have full trust in him that he will train you well."

The leader turned back to face you.

"Any questions? If so, now would be the time to ask."

"No questions, sir" you smiled politely. You stared at Shigaraki, then at Spinner. A short range attacker as your trainer? This was going to be a piece of cake.

"Actually I have a question" a low voice spoke. A man rose up from his seat, and it was none other than Dabi.

"And what seems to be the problem, Dabi?" Shigaraki questioned harshly, clearly showing that he had no interested in hearing out him out.

"I think it would be better for all of us if we had someone else trained her, no?"

"You think it would be better?"

"I'm sure it would be better"

"And why do you think so?" Shigaraki scowled, not liking Dabi's tone one bit.

Dabi stared down at the man, as if he had just challenged him to a battle, and the leader rose from his seat, so both of them were standing, staring eye to eye at each other.

"First," Dabi spoke, voice threatening, his grip hardening onto the table "Having a training buddy who is specialized in close combat is not going to help Y/n to improve. Because if you were watching her fights carefully, you would have known that she's already a master at close combat"

"And what about it?" Shigaraki snarled "If I pair her up with Spinner, I do it for a reason. He would be able to help her polish her moves and correct her mistakes, and that is what I'm focusing on right now"

"Oh? Are you trying to help Y/n? Or are you trying to waste her time at this point? If you really want to help her, then partner her up with someone who is specialized in long range combats, because that's her weakness!"

"And what makes you so sur-"

"For the love of God! I know that's her weakness because I fought her out there during the match, and I 've seen what she's capable and not capable of. What other proof do you want?"

Shigaraki starts to fight back but the male cuts him off.

"If you ever decide to put your two braincells together and listen to my advice, that would be great. If not, go ahead. Her power will help your future, not mine. So I wouldn't give a damn on whichever decision you pick."

Dabi then plops back down onto his chair and rests his legs on the table, as if nothing had happened. Leaving Shigaraki, who was still standing, to stare at him silently, fury in his eyes.

After a few moments of uncomfortable silence, the leader pauses, sits back down, turns to you and clears his throat.

"Y/n, I have decided to make a few changes." he announced "I will be assigning you a new training buddy"

"Sure, no worries." you spoke, fully unbothered. Ninety percent of the members here were specialized in short combat, so it didn't matter even if he changed it.

"Good to hear" he sighed "Thanks for your cooperation, Y/n"

"No problem" you smiled. Finally, the words you wanted to hear from him was spelled. A new sense of warmth buzzed in you as the man continued speaking.

"As we were saying, Y/n, let me introduce you to your new buddy."

The man gestures his hands to someone else on the table, and your eyes followed, but your smile dropped and the warmth turned into cold struck horror when you saw him.

"Y/n, say hello to your new training buddy... Dabi."

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