•|• Delinquent Jock •|• 1️⃣

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Part one! (His teammates are in part two if you'd like to see them)


Name: ( Noah Beck )

Age: ( 16 )

Sexuality: ( Demisexual )

Species: ( Human )

Gender: ( Male )



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( 6'5 )

Nationality: ( Canadian/ British )

•Background info•

Strengths: ( He has a very strong spike, as expected of the ace wing spiker of his team. Noah is bilingual, he can speak English and Japanese and is learning a bit of Korean, so he helps a lot if there's a foreigner on the opposite team at matches or if some tourist needs directions walking around. He's very intimidating looking, with his long and muscular build along with his height, that's how he got his reputation as a delinquent. All his life he got things like if he needed notes people would just freak out and give them their notes for the whole year, or if he needed to borrow some cash for food at school they might freak out and give him their whole wallet. Despite this he has a strong conscious and strong sense of responsibility. Even with his looks, Noah is really good with kids as he takes care of his sisters, ever since they were babies. )

Weaknesses: ( He has a pretty bad sense of balance, so no tight rope walks or high places for him and even if he does snow board he can wipe out easily despite his years of experience. Noah is overly conscious about his height and build, especially in crowded places like a subway, and never likes to start fights— at least he regrets it after, he tends to be hot blooded and say whatever pops into his head. People take that the wrong way 90% of the time unless they know him/ are his friend. When he's nervous about a match he's about to have he will either eat everything in sight and feel sick to his stomach or will drink lots of liquid and have to pee every 5 minutes, so his teammates keep an eye out for that. He's also very weak to pain and will probably cry for a good ten minutes if he even cuts a finger open on paper, he also easily gets second hand embarrassment especially from his little sisters. )

Personality: ( He's a pretty positive guy who likes to see the best in people, the type of person to give respect to someone unless they lose it or he deems them not worthy of respecting. Noah doesn't stand for any type of racism or something that puts others at harm, he has lots of beliefs like he's Pro-choice and an active advocate for lgbtq+ rights! Overall a nice guy, but his hot blooded attitude gets him into predicaments a lot even if he's pretty selfless, most of the fights are either people egging him on or someone not respecting someone for any reason; unless the person deserved it somehow. The man can be pretty angry/stubborn most of the time but MAN if you wake him up from a nap, he will not be a happy camper for the remainder of the hour. The only people that can wake him up is his family, or if he considers you a close friend, along with trusts you completely like he does his teammates. Noah is very straightforward, brave, honest and very sensitive to others feelings or his own, he cries a lot if someone yells at him. Though with his pride he will act like mr.tough guy but when he's by himself he will break down immediately, even if a small cicada had just died! Again he's not good with pain, his first time getting piercings when he was younger he had to be held down and he even consented to that, despite that he still wants more but he can't imagine the pain of different types of piercings. )

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