•|• The Detective •|•

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Name: He looks at you with a sigh, putting out his cigarette and glaring at you coldly. "..What?" He said roughly, placing a hand on his temple. (Angelo Kristin)

Age: He folds his arms and leans back in his chair, biting on his pen that he was using to write down something on a piece of paper on his desk. "I'm not old, a**hole." (25)

Sexuality: The man looks away and glances out the nearby window to see if anyone was out there, looking at you like you were crazy to ask that, furrowing his eyebrows together. (Bisexual, but constantly says he's Asexual)

Pronoun preference: The man decided to light another cigarette, waving the match to extinguish after he lit what he needed. Angelo decided to ignore you for now, until a relevant question came up. (He/Him/His)

Species: He smirked at your question, no matter how small it was you could tell that he found what you asked amusing. "Some people call me a demon, but that's irrelevant." (Human but acts like a demon at times)

Gender: (male)



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(He's 6'3)

Ethnicity: He shrugged, crossing his arms firmly. The smirk on his face completely disappeared like it was never even there in the first place. (He's Italian)

•Background info•

Strengths: Angelo looked at you with a raised eyebrow, taking a throwing dagger from his drawer and chucking it at the dart board behind you. It whizzed past your ear and barely missed it, and landed straight in the middle of the dart board. "I think our times up, here!" (He's got a HIGH IQ, like he's a full blown genius, and has excellent skills like knife throwing and acrobatics. He's good at fighting, but usually he only resorts to that when it's desperate times. He's very calm and level-headed for the most part, and never gives up if he promised something. Angelo is also a certified doctor, he took the course in college earlier than everyone else since he skipped a couple of grades since it was too easy for him. He's very knowledgeable about history as it's one of his past times, most of the time you can find him in a library or in his personal study with a book in his hand, this is one of the only times he'll let his guard down completely. Once you earn his respect/love there's nothing he won't do for you, he has his priorities and if he is fond of you he will drop everything to run to your aid. )

Weaknesses: The man walked up and snarled at you, finally annoyed at all the questions, backing you into the wall right next to the dart board; causing you to gulp at his height and intimidating demeanor. He slammed his hand next to your head and carefully grabbed the dagger by your head. "We're. Done." (When it comes to his loved ones, he tends to get overly emotional. He also can't cook, as it reminds him of someone dead he lost when he was younger and how they died. Angelo isn't also very good at communicating what he's feeling at the moment, and tends to hurt others in the process of how cold he is. He tends to push things too far without even realizing it, whether it be with someone's emotions or physical well being. Angelo has blocked everyone off to keep from getting hurt but that means he hasn't relied on anyone since his parents died, he doesn't see a problem with this at all and actually prefers his current lifestyle. Angelo seems emotionally unavailable but longs for physical touch more, and to be needed by someone; he loves to be relied upon by those he cares for but will never actually admit it. )

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