Christmas Break 4

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Nagito awoke to the feeling of a strange weight on his chest. He looked down slightly to see that his vision was blocked by familiar brown hair. Nagito could feel his face heating up.

He resisted the urge to run his hands through the boy's hair.

Hinata wouldn't want a lowly bug like me to do that to him, he thought with a sigh. He was feeling much better now, though. And he really needed to get up.

Tapping his fingers on his arm, he prayed that his luck would work in his favor. Of course, as Hajime continued to shift and get comfortable, it didn't seem it would. Would he just have to wake the boy up? No, no. There's no way he could do that...on the other hand, the consequences would be worse if he continued to wait. He looked at his alarm clock, realizing he was already late for taking his medication. He didn't even take it at all yesterday. If his doctor found out, they'd be pissed. He sighed.

"Hinata, " he whispered, poking the boy's head. Hajime stirred slightly but didn't wake up.

"Hinata, " he tried again, this time a little louder.

Hajime lifted his head slightly, just enough to make eye contact with Nagito. Nagito tried to keep his cool, praying his blushing face wasn't noticeable.

"Shit...I never ended up going back to my dorm last night, " Hajime said, leaning back in his chair and stretching.

"Your back will probably be sore today from the way you slept, " Nagito chucked.

"Yeah, I'm sure it will, " Hajime replied, rubbing his neck.

It was becoming abundantly clear that Hajime was not a morning person. Nagito felt bad for waking him up.

"So..." Nagito began, his voice trailing off.


"What are you doing today?"

"I'm probably gonna finish decorating my dorm, " Hajime replied, still sounding tired. "Are you gonna decorate?"

"Huh? No, I don't decorate. Usually, I don't even celebrate, " Nagito said.

"That's a shame. Wanna come decorate with me?"

"I- yeah, I can do that. I have to run an errand first, though, " he said, getting out of bed.

"Alright, you can meet me at my dorm later then, " Hajime said, leaving the room. And soon after, Nagito heard the front door open and close.

There was a problem now. He had no idea what to get Hajime. He never talked about what he liked exactly. Sure, there were a few broad categories, but nothing specific.

He still needed to try, right?
It had been about an hour and all he found was just some sweater. He had to do better than that! He continued walking around the store until he spotted a jewelry display. Did Hajime even like wearing jewelry? Some of the necklaces were quite pretty...

Nagito settled on buying both the sweater and a necklace with a rose charm. He hoped that Hajime would like the gifts.

He walked back to the campus and sent a text to Hajime saying he'd be over soon. He quickly stopped at his dorm to put the stuff away, then headed over to Hajime's.

The Reserve Course dorms were only slightly different from the Main Course ones, but Nagito wasn't sure why there was a difference in the first place. Didn't they pay more to be here than the Ultimates?

Knowing his luck, Nagito expected the door he knocked on to be the wrong one, but to his surprise, it wasn't. He sighed in relief and greeted Hajime.

"Hey. Come in, I wanna show you what I've done so far, " Hajime said, grabbing Nagito's arm.

Nagito's eyes widened as he saw the rainbow Christmas light strewn around the room. It was slightly messy, but still pretty.

"Do you like it?" Hajime asked excitedly.

"Yeah! You did a good job, " Nagito replied with a smile.

Hajime pulled Nagito over to a small tree that was only half decorated.

"Do you want to finish the rest of it? I've gotta go hang up some lights in my room, " he said.

Nagiro nodded, then looked at the boxes of ornaments. How long had it been since he last decorated a Christmas tree? Most of the memories of his childhood were fuzzy now.

"Hey, Komaeda, " Hajime yelled from his room.

"Yeah, what's up?" he replied, standing in the doorway.

"I got an idea. How about you stay the night? You know, since it's Christmas Eve."

"So we could spend Christmas together?"

"Well, yeah. If you want to, " Hajime shrugged.

"That could be fun. But I'd have to go grab your present from my dorm, " Nagito said.

"You got me a present?"Hajime said, sounding slightly shocked.

"Of course I did. Why wouldn't I?" Nagito asked, tilting his head slightly.

Hajime smiled at him and shook his head.
"Hinata, what are you hanging up?" Nagito asked, looking up at the ceiling.

"Mistletoe, " Hajime replied.


"Just in case."

"In case of what?"

"In case someone as pretty as you happened to stop by, " Hajime said, imitating some other kind of accent and pulling Nagito under the plant.

"Hinata- what are you-" Nagito stammered, refusing to make eye contact with the other boy.

Hajime laughed and lightly pushed him away.

Nagito awkwardly laughed along with him.

"You should go get your stuff, I'm kinda tired, " Hajime said. Nagito nodded, assuring the other that he'd be back soon.

When Nagito came back, he looked around the dorm.

"I hate to sound rude but...where am I gonna sleep?" he asked.

"I dunno. You could sleep with me. Not sure if you'd be down for that since you weren't last time, " Hajime shrugged.

"That was you who got freaked out."


Nagito groaned.

"Guess what day it is!"

"Um...December 25..?" Nagito replied tiredly.

"No, stupid! Well- kinda. But it's Christmas!"

"Huh? Oh, right!" Nagito exclaimed, sitting up quickly.

Hajime pulled Nagito out of bed, and into his small living room.

"Go look at your present, " he said, pointing at the tree.

Nagito smiled and sat down on the floor, picking up the wrapped box. Hajime sat down next to the other boy, watching him carefully. Slowly unwrapped the present, Hajime watched as his smile grew even bigger.

"Do you like it?" he asked nervously.

"Of course I do! Open yours now."

"Alright, alright, " Hajime said, picking up the bag.

He pulled the tissue paper out and gasped softly.

"Thank you, Komaeda!" he exclaimed.

"You like it?"

"Yeah! And- shoot. I forgot to ask you. Do you want to go to Ibuki's Christmas party tomorrow?"

"I... Sure I guess, " Nagito shrugged.

"Great, " Hajime smiled, "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas to you, too."

This chapter is ass

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