1 Day of the Rape

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I was 22 when it first happened. When they came to our world, when we were at the precipice of war, when we needed them most. I had just brought a load of laundry back up to my dorm room at the community college where I was settled in nice and cozy. Not cozy enough to bring a girl or two over, mind you, what with my roomie Brendan being a wet blanket and my own reservations. I had friends, sure, but none that I felt I could truly pour my soul out to. I had just opened the door to our dorm to see Brendan and our friend Cameron watching an emergency news broadcast. "-inside and lock your doors, don't look outside as it may draw attention." "What's going on?" I didn't see anything out of the ordinary when i was downstairs so this was a shock.
"There's some sort of invasion," Brendan said. "What? In bum fuck Iowa? Not possible," I returned. "It's not just here, it's everywhere," said Cameron.
As all three of us saw the tv screen show footage of a magenta portal, we were shocked to see a leg poke out of it. A sexy leg, too. This was in D.C., so there were plenty of cops and soldiers were on their way. If I were a betting man id say the president is in the bunker by now, screaming on a zoom call at Russia, Germany, England, and China about what the hell is going on.
Back to the leg, as its owner took a step out to reveal a woman with wings, tail, and two horns, along with royal-looking garb. Being a degenerate fuck, I knew that she had to be some sort of succubus, and there were more women coming out behind her. These women were huge, one that had green scales and wings like a dragon, one with red skin and horns held a mace and a fur bikini.
While my friends stared with confusion, my heart rate only went up, because I knew what this meant.
My dream had finally come true, and maybe I could find my soulmate. Before I could however, we all were drawn back to reality by a tapping at the window, like a claw of an animal was tip-tapping away to annoy or draw our attention. Cameron got up to go to the window before I could tell him to wait and drew the curtain back to have a large, furry paw with long claws break through and put him in a head lock. He immediately resisted, and put his hands on the frame of the window to get leverage as the arm tried to haul him out kept at him. Immediately, both Brendan and I had dropped whatever we were holding onto and were trying to get our friend back in. I had his right side while Brendan had his left, and we tried to pull him back to us. "Wait, watch his neck, it can break it if we're not careful!" Brendan was right, as the furry paw and smooth, human-like arm hadn't let go yet. Carefully, I grabbed the paw and while watching those claws, tried to pry it back. Now, I may be shorter, but im no shrimp, as Brendan and I both hit the gym regularly, and I can say honestly that this took a huge amount of strength to move the arm just a bit. I had hardly registered that we were on the second story when I looked out of the partially opened curtain at the arm's owner. She was a woman, one with pointed, dog ears on top of her head. One even had a gold ring on it. Her eyes were purple and full of anger at me for preventing me from taking her prey and, if my hopeful assumptions were correct, husband.
Her clothes were more than revealing, as she had what looked like something a stripper would wear on, just covering her boobs enough to leave nothing to imagination. This would have made me stare longer if I didn't notice her shifting her hold on the building. "Oh my God," I thought. "She climbed the damn building." My monologue was cut short by her using her free hand to reach through the window in a flash and grab my collar. She pulled me close and then, using her legs pulled Cameron and I both out the window.
We were airborne before I knew it, time slowing just enough to curl my body up and protect my neck. I landed on my ass, thank God, but it hurt all the same. Dazed, I looked up at the woman who launched us to see her easily 6'4" form holding my buddy in a bridal carry as he looked shocked, frightened, and enthralled by her all at once.
"Trying to save your friend, huh? I know my master would love to have you over for dinner." Master? What could the hell could tame her? As the sounds of moans and slapping could be heard around, I realized what was happening nearby.
As if on cue, she whistled to a group behind me. I turned around on my sore ass to see more women rounding a corner. There were around 15 of them, all dressed like a bunch of slutty mummies at some halloween party, grey skin, wrappings, and even the typical outstretched arms. Was this some parade? Is there a gas leak? Author, what the fuck are you even writing? Then one emerged from the center of the group, one who looked different from the rest, but was dressed like the girl with my friend, same skimpy wear, but she was much more human in appearance. With shoulder-length black hair and a few wrappings on her legs and arms she looked at me, then at the dog girl. "Well?" "I think she'd love this one." "Are you sure? He looks to be a bit damaged." "He's not. And if he is, they can bond over his healing process."
"Ok. Girls, grab him. Pharaoh wants him untouched."
With that I was mobbed by the women and picked up like a crowd surfer, whisked away towards a large magenta portal, and into it.

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