01 | P R O L O U G E®

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[You don't have to read this if You've read FairyTail X Bnha | New Family]


|🔅*•_.~ P R O L O G U E ~._• 🔅|
[ •_.~   0  1 ~._• ]
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|_??? POV_|
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A man with curled blonde hair, and average stature was in a bright square room. Being glared at by a man wearing a mask with pipes coming out of it, with a doctor suited man with goggles next to him.

Suddenly the speakers turned on.

"If this quirk proves to work on you, we shall release you, clear your mind of this experience, and you can live on with your life. And if not- you'll never see the light of day again."

The man panicked. He scrambled around the room, before there was a bright flash. The experimental quirk that was implanted into the mans body turned on.

Marks of a bright purple lined the mans skin.

He let out a scream of agony, as he fell onto his knees. His hands were balled up in a fist, as a bright purple light ripped out of his mouth and eyes, his screaming intensifying.

Purple mist drifted on the ground as the man screamed in agony, his yells and pleads sounding like nails on a chalk board with a deepened pitch.

The mans body exploded.

Pieces of his flesh slowly but surely ripping apart, until flinging itself at the wall, with huge sickening spurts of blood, flesh, and organs splattered everywhere.

It looked like a spiderweb of red, and pink. Before the man's head exploded, his brain matter popped like confetti, decorating the room in more pink and blood.

His eye balls rolled on the floor, and the bones of his body stuck out of the fleshy pink stuff decorating the floor and wall.

The two men outside of the square room laughed a little.

"Guess we need a little more adjustments." The man with the goggles said plainly not phased a bit from the gore scene that was displayed in front of him.
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