chapter fourteen

106 7 7

Jolene Simmons

It's been about a week since Harry's album release party. Since then, we've pretty much just been hanging out together, enjoying his time off together. I am really dreading when he has to start working on his second album, we won't get to spend much time together when he is stuck in the studio all day. For some reason, we've been inseparable over the last week. During the time that I've gone into the studio for photoshoots, he's mostly come with, just hanging around and chatting with Chelsea. I genuinely enjoy his company, so there are no complaints from me.

I feel like ever since he witnessed my nightmare, we have been closer. It's almost like it broke down this wall that I didn't even know was there.

"Here you are, love," Harry pulls me out of my thoughts, placing a plate of pancakes in front of me. Harry called me early this morning and invited me over for breakfast. He insisted on cooking pancakes for me. I offered to help but he wanted to do it himself, telling me he found this new technique on the food network and was dying to try it.

"Thank you. Do you have any peanut butter?" The second the words come out of my mouth, Harry looks at me like I'm insane. "What?" I question, I don't understand what is wrong with what I said.

"Peanut butter?" he says, disgusted.

"Yeah... what's wrong with peanut butter?"

"On pancakes?" His eyes go very wide and he scoffs at me.

"I don't see the issue here..." I shake my head, giggling a little bit.

"The issue is that's disgusting," he says like it's obvious.

I roll my eyes at him, getting up and walking over to his ginormous pantry to look for some peanut butter. My eyes search across the large walk-in pantry, finally seeing some on the very top shelf... a shelf too high for me to reach. I look around the little room to see if I can find a stool or something to stand on. Not finding one, I decide to try my best and jump up to reach it... still being way too short for that stupid top shelf.

Just as I am about to climb the wire racks in his pantry, Harry walks in, seeing me struggle with the simple task of getting peanut butter. He walks over to me, grabbing the jar with ease and handing it to me. I give him a little smirk before walking out of the pantry with the jar in my hand.

"So what are we doing today? You asked me to bring my swimsuit but never told me why..." I say, sitting back down at the table. He sits down across from me with his own plate.

"I was thinking we could hang out at the beach, maybe have a little picnic... whatever you want."

I nod and give him a thumbs-up, my mouth full of pancakes.

We eventually finish our food, chatting and joking around the whole time. We ended up watching some rom coms on the couch before going out to the beach like we originally planned. Harry brought a big blanket, some fruit, and a speaker to play music on. I help him carry all of it as we walk out the back of his house, heading down to the beach right outside.

I take my shoes off as we reach the white sand, feeling it between my toes. I can feel the hot sun shining down on my skin as Harry spreads the blanket out across the ground. Sitting down, I set all the fruit down and take a strawberry out.

Harry connects his phone to the speaker and begins to play some music. I hear the first few notes of a song, instantly recognizing it. This song always brings back so many memories.

I start to hear Harry sing the first few lines and now I know for a fact I am not hallucinating.

"This was my dad's favorite song," I tell Harry as he sits down, reminiscing the good times attached to the song. "He used to love the Mamas and Papas... he played California Dreamin' all the time."

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