The sign that says 'open'

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Liz Pov

I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing so I rolled over and turned it off. As I rolled on my back and stared at my ceiling I yawned. I slowly stood out of bed and stretched while I looked at the clock on my bedside table,6:02 a.m clock read. I then had a quick shower,got dressed, straightend my hair,added light makeup then made my self a coffee. By the time I had finished getting ready it was 6:34.

I walked down stairs and started setting up my flower shop and making sure everything was in place. By the time I was finished it was 7:00,"perfect timing" I mumbled to myself as I walked to the front door to put out the 'open' sign. I started walking back to the counter but before I could get there I heard someone come in and say "good morning". I turned around to see a tall woman wearing black jeans and a turtle neck sweater,her eyes were a captivating shade of brown,her hair was tied back in a high pony tail. And her voice was angelic. She was perfect.

"Good morning,how can I help you?" I said with a smile. "Do you sell Red and yellow Tulips?" She asked with a soft smile. "Yes I do,How many would you like?" I replied returning the same smile she gave to me "Umm,could I please have 9 red Tulips with 1 yellow Tulip in the middle?" "Yes you can." I told her walking to the corner where the different coloured Tulips sat. As I grabed the nicest Tulips I saw and walked to the counter to wrap them she i could feel her eyes watching my every move,yet I didn't mind her staring. "So how has your morning been?" She asked making a conversation. "Good,thanks...and yours?" I questioned adding the ribbon around the boqete so it didn't come apart. "Yeah its been good,thanks." "That's good....would you like to pay with card or cash?" I asked as she made her way to the counter. "Cash please" she said taking out her wallet. "That'll be $9.50." I told her. She then pulled out a 20 dollar bill and handed it to me. "Keep the change" she said with that same soft smile from earlier. "are you sure?" I asked as I handed her the flowers. "Mhm...have a good day." She said walking to the door. "You too" I mumbled as the door shut behind her.

Amanda Pov

As I left the shop and walked to my car the only thing playing through my head was the girl in the flower shop
The way she walked and moved so gracefully,the way she ran her hand through her hair, her eyes that were a stunning shade of blue,her smile and her voice were so soft.She was perfect. "I need to see her again." I said to myself when I got in my car.

I started driving to the petrol station cause my car was low on fuel. When I got there I filled up my car and went inside to pay for my petrol. As I was paying i noticed the cashier was staring at my chest. When he realized I had noticed he stopped. I rolled my eyes and walked out to my car. I then drove to Jewles' house cause I was hanging out with her for the day.

I got to Jewles' house and knocked on the door she opened it up and let me inside. I handed her the the flowers. "What are these for?" She questioned. "I dont know I just felt like getting you something." I replied "Oh...Well,thanks" She said. "No problem"

Time skip

Jewels and i had a good time hanging out when i looked at my phone and saw that it was 10:46pm "wow it's later then I thought....i should probably head home" I told jewles. "Ok" Jewles said. We hugged each other and said goodbye before I left. I then got in my car and drove to my apartment. When I got home I went straight to my room and layed down on my bed. I layed there and quickly checked my social media before I got up and had a shower.

When I got out of the shower and got dried and changed I went to the kitchen to get some food and i saw my two roomates Aj and Darren having a conversation about something. "Hey Amanda,How was Jewels' house?" Darren asked when he saw me. "yeah good." "How was your day guys?" I asked the boys "good" they both said in unison "That's good." I responded. We talked about random stuff and then I went back to my room and layed in bed staring at my ceiling and thinking about the girl 'I need to go to the flower shop tomorrow.' I said to my self before I went to sleep.

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