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Nesta Valloma and her two other friends, much known as Lilith and Anastacia, sat quietly in one of the small hogwarts train compartments. In fact, it seemed to be a bit too small. Not a shocker, the girls were known to always grab the most dodgy cubicles; done in order to receive the utmost privacy of course.

Nesta had a sort of miniature book on her lap, one with a red cover back, with gold seams neatly embroidered on the sides. A neat calligraphy on the front, scrawled out to be called 'Macbeth'.

"This is a bore," She scoffed "Regretting regicide? Not a chance."

"Unsex me here," Lilith grinned putting her much thicker novel. Oh dear, such horror. Romeo and Juliet.

"Muggles have quite the imagination,"

"Right," Anastacia nodded, eyes aggressively squinting at her copy of Hamlet.
"No, I just can't seem to understand it,"

Nesta rested her chin in the palm, smirking at her friend's difficulty reading what muggles supposedly call, 'a sophisticated form of literature.'

Little did she know, her sly grin was about to drop.

It seemed to be she had failed to realise a pair of perfectly manicured fingers had started to slide open the rusted compartment door, accompanied by a perfectly ginger, pin straight mane, that was soon flicked towards the direction of a window Nesta now wanted to desperately jump out of.

"Lilith!" The redhead rejoiced.

Lilith quietly groaned in frustration, however, her attempt at being quiet didn't quite meet up to high standard.

"Hello, Lily."

Her blunt response stated an array of unspoken feelings, much to Lilith's discomfort, the red head failed to understand.

"Saw you at the station, didn't seem to notice me," Lily spoke in an aggravated tone, as if she was deeply offended by this mistake gesture. But of course, it wasn't a mistake. "I shrieked your name out about thrice,"

Nesta and Anastacia exchanged annoyed glances at the red heads illiterate behaviour. Much to their dismay, Lily's hair wasn't the only thing that was bright red. Nesta lowered her eyes on the girl's ruby red robes.


"Wonder if a Gryffindor ever wanted to wash the blood off their robes, Macbeth seemed to not like the colour red on his hands"

Nesta's mouth soon started to twitch in dismay.

Rivalry between the Slytherins and Gryffindors had become even worse after their 4th year. Mainly due to a certain blood uniformed twat who lit Lilith's gorgeous dark curls of fire after achieving most earned points. Unfortunately, this resulted the poor raven haired girl to have to chop most of it up into a short cut bob, with an even shorter cut fringe.

"Can we help you?" Nesta chimed in running her hands through her newly highlighted hair, resisting to have the need to pull it all out in exasperation.

"Oh! I didn't realise you had friends Lilith!" Evans exclaimed "I'm Lily Evans, and you are?"

"Ok gingey maybe later," Lilith interrupted.
They all knew it wasn't Lily's fault Lilith now looked like an overly sharpened pencil, but her giggly reaction continued to infuriate them for the rest of the summer.

To be fair, Nesta cackled and Anastacia snorted. But nevermind that.

"I still don't understand how you managed to still be on good terms with a gryffindor," Anastacia retorted "they tend to be... well, very sensitive,"

-𝗗𝗘𝗟𝗨𝗦𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗔𝗟ʲᵃᵐᵉˢ ᵖᵒᵗᵗᵉʳजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें