chapter 2 : the ball

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(ciel pov)
When I entered my study's sebastian was there giving me a I know there's something going on look what are you looking at sebastian I asked glaring at him nothing my lord though I was just wondering why you were so close to mey rin like you were going to kiss her I then tried my best not to blush I whispered something to her that she and I can know now drop it sebastian I said not wanting to let sebastian know what really happened before he and the other servents arrived the last thing I want is sebastian or lizzie knowing about what happened between me and mey rin I thought to myself of course my lord sebastian said as he put on my outfit for the ball I then walked out my room and went downstairs to see that all the guest had arrived I wonder were mey rin I thought as I wondered around the party that was until ciel!!!!!! I then turned around to be bear hugged my lizzie ahh elizabeth what are you doing I asked ciel how many times have I told you to call me lizzie and look so cute in your outfit!!! Lizzie said uhh why must I have to hear at this ball with lizzie instead of mey rin who I haven't seen since I've been here lizzie I'll be right back i said slipping out of her hug I then walked to the punch bowl but I was then stopped by someone worse then lizzie why hello there ciel I was met face to face with alois trancy I then put on a fake smile hello Alois what are you doing here I asked alois your fiance invited me alois said giving me a little smile say ciel how about we go talk in private alois said I would rather stay with lizzie then go anywhere with you I said glaring at him I then looked down at alois jacket and noticed it had a wine stain on it Alois might I ask why you have a wine stain on your jacket I asked ohh ya forgot that was that was there that foolish redhead maid of yours spilled wine on me alois said when he called mey rin foolish I wanted to lash out at him for talking about her that way I'm sorry about that Alois I'll have a talk with her after the party I said hey ciel do you know were I can find your fiance alois asked what does he want to talk to lizzie about I thought to myself she by the stairs alois I said wanted to end our conversation okay by ciel Alois said sounding like he was up to something I wanted to find mey rin so I could talk to her but then again I want to know what trancy was up to I then went to find sebastian who I found standing near the kitchen door I then walked to him sebastian I order you to spy on Alois and lizzy they are by the stairs tell what they are talking about I want to know just in case trancy is up to something I said of course my lord sebastian said giving a small bow and them disappeared I then walked around the party that I really didn't want to have I then Sall mey rin standing next to a the food table I then desided that since sebastian was getting me information on Alois I can go tell mey rin my true feelings for her I then walked over  to mey rin who was now talking with bard and finny.

(Mey rin pov)
I was standing next to the food table talking with bard and finny so mey rin what did you do while were gone getting supplies finny asked I was just helping the young master and obeying his orders yes I was I said just then I sall master ciel walking toward me mey rin I need to talk to you in private ciel said reaching his hand out for me to take I the took his hand and he led me outside the mansion to the beautiful garden we then sat on a bench it was quite for a few seconds before the young master spoke mey rin for a while now i been having these strange feelings when I'm around you when your around my heart always skips a beat your beautiful especially with you glasses off even when your clumsy you make me laugh and I feel happy when your around at first I didn't want to admit it but mey rin i-i l-love you and will you be my girlfriend the young master asked me I was so happy no one had ever loved me before I made me happy that I was crying tears of joy I then wrapped my arms around master ciel's neck and kissed him and then he kissed back wrapping his arms around my waist and much like our first kiss it was passionate his lips were so soft I felt so safe in his arms when as kissed when then stopped to take a breath I said yes young master I'll be your girlfriend I love you too I always have I just played it like I was in love with sebastian but I always had I crush on you I said I had always found the young master attractive his dark blue eyes they are so sparkly when he smiles of embarrassment he blushes he's really cute when he does that wait so you always liked me and not sebastian the young master asked yes I only liked sebastian because he was handsome with you it's was how cute you were and how when you did something that you never wanted to do on the first place you end up having fun I feel safe when your around me i said smiling at him he smiled back and kissed me on the cheek wait young master what about lady elizabeth I asked getting scared off what will happen if lady elizabeth finds out about me and the master's relationship your right mey rin four now we'll keep it our relationship a secret I'll  break of the engagement with lizzy as soon as I can master ciel said caress my hair to calm me down I the rested my head on his shoulder for a few seconds we were just enjoying the beautiful night sky ciel I head the master say what do you say young master I asked mey rin your my girlfriend now when were alone call me ciel but in public or when sebastian finny bard or lizzy are around call me master ciel or young master ciel said of course ciel i said everything was peaceful until we heard ohh ciel!!!! When then turned around to see lady elizabeth running toward us when she reached us she tackled ciel to the ground in a bear hug ohh ciel I miss you why did go and run off she asked as she let ciel go and help him up I was going to then punch bowl but lord trancy stopped me and told me that mey rin had spilled so wine on him so I brought her out her to talk about her punishment the said looking at me and giving a small wink I new he was trying to cover up what really happened ohh speaking of trancy Alois invited us to his mansion tomorrow to have some fun he said we can also bring our servents if we want can we please go lady elizabeth asked fine what time this event ciel asked I new that ciel didn't like Alois trancy when the master would get letters from lord trancy he always gave a glare as of Alois was right in front of him I thought to myself it's at 3:00 pm he wanted it to early so we'll all have enough time for fun lady elizabeth said.

(3rd person pov)
Okay lizzy we'll go ciel said trying to show he was annoyed well come on ciel we have a party to continue lizzy said pulling ciel arms back towards the party inside phantomhive manor wait lizzy I haven't finished talking with mey rin when I'm done I'll come back to the party ciel said okay ciel I'll be Lizzy said waving to ciel and the. Running back to the party ciel then sat back down on the bench next to mey rin now we're we ciel asked we were justed looking at the beautiful night sky yes we were mey rin said ciel got closer to mey rin and started to cuddle with her he feels so warm and I feel so safe mey rin thought to herself ciel then pulled mey rin closer to him and kissed her for head I love you met rin ciel said I love you too ciel I said staring in his beautiful dark blue eyes well we should get back to the party but mey rin can you come visit me later tonight ciel asked of course ciel okay just wait till everyone is asleep now let's go back to party ciel said he picked mey rin up bridal style and then sat her down gently on her feet they then walked back into phantomhive manor sebastian then Sall ciel and then whispered in his ear making mey rin question what that were talking about sebastian the bowed to ciel and left umm young master what was that about mey rin asked don't worry I'll tell you later tonight ciel said kissing me passionately on the lips when no one was looking as as always I kissed him back I'll see you later mey ciel whispered in my ear making me blush a dark red I then walked back to the bard and finny who looked like they had some questions mey rin what did you and the master talk about finny asked he just scolded me for accidentally spelling wine on Alois trancy yes he did mey rin said aww don't feel bad it was only and accident bard said patting mey rin on the back they then served people food and drinks for another hour that was until ciel tapped his glass cup with a spoon to get everyone's attention excuse me everyone I would just like to thank everyone for coming to and saldy as much as I don't know want to it's getting late and I would like for you all to leave and get safely back to your homes ciel said he then drank what was in his glass cup he then received another huge from lizzy after that ciel gave looked at mey rin and gave her a loving smile witch she gave him back as he and sebastian walked up the stairs to ciel's room another few minutes had passed and as mey rin got in her night clothes along with bard and finny she Sall sebastian walk to his room she then got into bed and waited until until bard finny were sleep when heard them snoring she got out of bed lit a candle and walked up the stairs until she reached ciel's room she then knocked on his door gently enough for him to here come in ciel said mey rin then opened the and sall ciel sitting on his bed he then looked at her and smiled you look so cute in your night gown ciel said making mey rin blush embarrassment ciel the walked over to mey rin grabbed her by the waist and kissed her entwining there fingers together ciel then took the candle out of mey rins hand and set it on his night stand I would feel more safe if had you beside me ciel said he then picked her up bridal style again and sat her in bed ummm ciel can we cuddle again mey rin asked ciel nodded and cuddled with mey rin ciel what did sebastian tell you when we came back from to garden mey rin asked I asked him to spy on lizzy and Alois while they were talking u don't trust Alois and sebastian told me what lizzy had already told me when she ruined our moment ciel said pouting a little it's okay ciel she can't ruin this moment mey rin said your right good night mey rin love you ciel said good night ciel love you to said mey rin she blushed as she felt ciel's soft lips on hers as they both feel asleep in each other's arms.

(Hey everyone I hope you enjoyed chapter 2 the next chapter should be published either posted today and tomorrow but hope you enjoyed and bye)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2021 ⏰

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