Chuck Taylor Must Die

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  • Dedicated to Catherine Schurr Ortner Dominick

Chapter One:

My name is Amelia, I'm seventeen years old and in love with my sister's best friend, but he's a player ; he dates seven girls at a time and their okay with sharing him. If I ever make it into the 'seven' or their nickname "Chucky's Angels" I want to be the ' one ' for him. My sister Amanda made the seven and she slapped him in the face, that was almost a month ago. So needless to say their no longer friends.

 So I never see Chuck except at school. So this morning I was surprised to find a note in my locker with a big bold italic 1 on it. I know what it was, because my sister got a seven.

Under the number was a poem.

Your eyes sparkle

In the morning sun

This isn't just a number

You are the one for me.

I love Amelia Jean Murrey

 I looked up expecting six other girls getting this note but with different names. But there was no one else. I was the ONLY girl Chuck wasn't lying. I felt a tap and turned, there was Chuck. With a cocky smile on his face. 

 "I saved the best for last Amelia."

 "Hey cocky. Your poem said you loved me, is it true or is that something you use on all your girlfriends?"

 "Of course I never lie madamoisselle. I love only you."

 "Alright bucko no funny business, take me to Biology."

 He took my hand and as we made our way down the hallway everyone noticed that there was no other six girls following us. We passed my twin sister Amanda and she frowned with  worry. She looked at us wishing she was me. At the door Chuck kissed me goodbye and went to Music History 101. 

 Everything was fine for a couple months, then I think he got bored. He wished he had the other six girls, but he made a promise and player or not Chuck Taylor never broke a promise...ever.

 One night we were at the movies, he told me something.

 "Amelia, I need your help."

 "What is it love?" He looked deep into my eyes as if searching for my soul. Finally saying

 "I need you to do something before I die,"

 "What the HELL are you talking about Chuck? We're seventeen."

 "Sweetheart I only have about a year left not even. I have a serious case of Lymphoma."

So he wasn't getting bored he was dying. I felt the tears before they spilled over. I understood now why he chose the Marley and Me movie and not the Hangover Part 2.  He knew I was going to cry.

 "What do you want me to do?"

 "I want you to make my last months memorable, filled with love and your beautiful face. I want you to find someone new when I go."

 "I'll do what I can." I forced a smile.- "Do you have a bucket list?"

 "I- A what?

 "You know a bucket list, a list of things you want to do before you die."

 "No, I'm doing everything as I go along." he smirked at me glancing back at the movie and quickly back at me.

 "Well is finishing this movie on that kind of made list?" he laughed so loud the audience shushed him I noticed it was a sad moment.

 "Oops, sorry!" I giggled.

 "No," he laughed. We got up and left.

We went to the park. Hand in hand talking about the past six or seven love filled months, that would end in his unfortunate death. 

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