Chapter 3: darkest desire

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I go through my stuff my springlock suit to convince kids i am friendly. Dad's old knife, Dad's badge, Micheals fox mask, Chris's plushies, Elizabeth's Circus baby plush, And the weird springbonnie suit i call him glitchtrap.

Vanny:"(Y/N) we have new info that some group of villians tried to kill the symbol of peace. You sure just two teenagers can kill all might?"

(Y/N):"Don't worry i have a plan. The fight with all might and toxic chainsaw. The villian did not finish the fight so he made a weapon that could but the weapon was broken down into many pieces and i have one of those pieces."

i said this as i was holding a green glowing piece of metal. I tear my knife up and put the metal on the handle.

Vanny:"So your ready?"

(Y/N):"No. we are waiting for some one."

3rd POV

Somewhere in a bar a young man with white hair and an ornage streak down the middle is drinking a beer and 4 metal arms and he gets a call.

???:"Hello? Oh hey how are you? We are gonna what. I am in. Molten out"

the teenager walks out of the bar with a detonator in his hand and presses the button and the bar explodes

MOLTEN (no last name)

Quirk: R̘͇ơ̱ͨb̂̏͒otiͩc̯̖ ̙͓ͯ̿I҉̲m͖̲̙ͥ́p̈́u͈l͇̤̓̉s̴̾e

Not much is known about Molten's quirk all that people know is to never mess with the flame of the molten one and never make him mad. Stay away from this teen's mechanical arms at all cost.


No one knows where he came from or how he got here. He is an Impossible to kill entity and can see the future. Has founght may pro heroes and won but he will never take severe injury but can be harmed mentally if his mental state is bad enough already.

10 hours later

Molten's POV

i get off the plane where no one recognises me. When i see vanny and (Y/N) i run up to them.

Molten:"Hey guys how are you?"

Vanny:"So your the guy?"

Molten:"yup and i have known (Y/N) for a long time. Because i was l̻̰e͇̮f̑̊̕t̶͌̚ bĕ͙̓hǐ̳̙̫̂n̴̙̩̪ͧd."

Vanny's POV

The way he said that was very creepy almost as if he's been torn apart, But he seems like he's been through a lot. I have heard the rumors about him saying his mental state is very unstable, but then again those are rumors.

(Y/N):"hey vanny i know your thinking about the rumors about molten, but he wants to go home he's from a different dimension."

Vanny:"Wait what?!"

Molten:"I will explain when we are at your 'home'."

One short trip later

Molten's POV

when we get there at the abandoned mansion which looked pretty nice i think goldie would've liked this, but they say all might may be able to create the gate way home to my love.

Molten:"Ok so i am from another dimension where i died and my soul latched on to a robot which was this and i was heading to a place called Freddy's Anime Convention......


I was sleeping with goldie next to me until i wake up to hear something that sounded like electric bolts. I get up to see a blue portal that started to pull me towards it i used my cable arms to hold me in the same place but they were not strong enough i got sucked in.


Molten:"And thats how it happened."

Vanny:"Totally unbeleivable."

(Y/N):"But he proves the existance of Alternate Universes, And Alternate Dimensions."

Molten:"I Believe that all might may be able to make a gate way to my home so i can see my girlfriend."

(Y/N):"That may be possible because all might is the strongest hero currently and with his quirk he could ,but it would make an unstable gateway but there is no telling where it could go."

Molten:"I'll take my chances."

TO BE CONTINUED..........................

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