CHAPTER 1~ A genius idea

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Miu and kiibo were just having a normal conversation as usual, they were talking about how it's been a while since she has made a new creation
"Kiibo, do you know any ideas of what I should make for a new creation? I've ran out of ideas"

"I don't know Miu, you've created almost everything"
The two of them just thought for a moment and the room became silent, well until Kokichi walked in
"Hey Cum-dumpster and useless robot " Kokichi barged in.

"Hey that's robophobic!"

"Ugh can you go away, I was in the middle of thinking about the new creation I'm gonna make, and I almost had an idea until you came in" Miu said.

"Whatever your creation is probably useless like all the previous ones you've made, and I wouldn't waste my time on making some useless junk that would turn out to be a fail."

"Like you can do any better" She scoffed.

"Well yeah, it's just a waste of time just like how your existence was a mistake"


"Hey....can you guys calm down a little..?" Kiibo inturupted quietly

"Stay outta this kee-boi, it's a human thing you wouldn't understand"

"Rude! Robots can experience human things too!"

As soon as the threy were done with their argument, Kokichi finally leaved Miu and Kiibo alone again
"Anyways Miu, what was the idea you had?"

"I don't know anymore , if he wasn't so annoying all the time I would have actually known" Miu said.

"I hate Kokichi so much! You probably hate him too right?"

"Yeah he's always robophobic towards me"

"And he also lies all the time, it's not even funny anymore" he said.

An amazing idea hit Miu's head

"I think I've got an idea! You know how we all hate it when he lies right?"


"Well maybe I can put him up for a lie detector so we can find out why Kokichi lies all the time and so he can stop"

"That's a very clever idea Miu! but how are we going to get Kokichi to try it, He's obviously gonna decline it?" Kiibo asked.

"Easy! We can just trick him into doing it"

"I don't know Miu.....Isn't he a little too smart"

"Yeah...true, maybe we can use help from the others"

🚨 The lie detector 🚨Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin