CHAPTER 2~ the genius idea came to life

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@XxChxbbyBxnnyXx  i know how badly you wanted this but I finally got motivation to write on wattpad again (also its kinda short and kinda rushed because i'm lazy)

After many hours later Miu finally finished her invention 

"so what do you think kiibo?" 

"not sure...maybe try testing it out first, you don't really know fore sure if its actually gonna work" 

"yeah i guess your right.."  


Then they started  testing it out 

they tested it multiple times and even tried it on the others  *kaede, shuichi,  gonta *  

~time skip to when they all gathered in the security room *miu, kiibo, kaede, tenko, gonta, kaede, maki, korekiyo* 

*yes i changed the way they talk cause they are so many people* 

shuichi: miu are you really sure this idea of yours is a good one? 

miu: duh i always have the best inventions 

korekiyo: but what if it doesn't work, then it will be just a waste of time 

maki: yeah and there's no way kokichi's taking the lie detector 

miu: ugh you idiots i'll explain it to you again 

~miu explains the plan again 

miu: there, now anybody got any questions that aren't stupid  

kaede: I understand most of the plan, i just still don't understand how we are going to get kokichi to get to the lie detector 

miu: ugh for fucks sake none of yall ever listen! 

~miu stormed out of the room furious 

shuichi: why is miu being bossy? i understand she has anger issuess but shes not that bossy 

kiibo: i think she just wants this to go as perfectly as planned, escpecially cause she worked hard on it tha most of her other inventions

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