Chapter 3

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When the curtain dropped, Rex, like everyone else, was shocked at the vulgar display inside the jewel case. He was too stunned to move at first, trying to comprehend what he was seeing and why, but when Willoughby keeled over and others in the audience started coughing, he knew that the canisters were emitting some type of poison gas. He pulled out the handkerchief he always carried, tore it in two, and grabbed Ruby's drink.

"Rex, what are you doing?" She asked when he snatched the champagne away from her.

He soaked the torn pieces in champagne and gave one to Ruby. "Breathe through this," he told her, and held one of the pieces to his mouth to emphasize his point. She took the other without a word and started looking around with wide eyes. Other guests were collapsing and just about everyone was coughing. We've got to get out of here, Rex thought, but he saw that there were others already clustered around the exits. They pushed on the doors and shouted to no avail. The doors must be locked from the outside.

His mind racing, Rex scanned the ceiling until he found what he was looking for. Vents. Pulling Ruby along, he pushed aside the velvet rope and climbed on top of the display case. He pointed to the vent and she nodded, no trace of panic in her eyes. They had both immediately switched into survival mode. Another holdover from the war.

He pulled the vent cover off and hoisted Ruby inside. She looked back down to see if he needed help, but he quickly motioned her to go and find a way out. He grasped his cane, took one last look at the guests, saw that almost all of them were now huddled on the ground hacking and coughing. He felt like a coward abandoning them, but knew the best way to help them would be to leave and figure out a way to open the doors from the other side. He jumped to grab the edge of the vent and pulled himself inside just in time to see Ruby's feet disappear around a corner.

Ruby crawled forward in the tight vent, her elbow and knees inching her forward. It was dark and cramped, but at least she could breathe a little easier in here. She could hear Rex shuffling behind her, but didn't have room to turn around and look. She tried not to think about the people stuck back in the Jewel Room slowly suffocating and instead concentrated on getting them out. Up ahead she saw another vent cover, this one leading to the anteroom where the reception had been. She pushed the cover out and lowered herself into the room, falling the last couple of feet. Looking up she saw one of the Beefeaters and her spirits rose. "Help us!" She shouted at him. "They're all trapped inside!"

The man in the ornate uniform hesitated a second and then came running toward her. Just as she thought he was going to help her off the floor he pulled a gun out from inside his uniform and pointed it at her. She screamed and scrambled back, but had nowhere to go.

"Wañu," he muttered when he reached her. Before he could pull the trigger a large shape fell from the sky and knocked him to the floor. Ruby rolled to her right to avoid the falling guard and then got to her feet. She was speechless as she saw Rex stand up gingerly after crashing headfirst into the Beefeater.

"Are you okay?" He asked after kicking the gun away from the would-be assassin.

"Yes. Can you open the door?"

They ran to the door leading into the Jewel Room and saw that the door was indeed fastened from the outside with a padlock. Without hesitating, Rex slid his cane in the space between the lock and the door jamb.

"Ruby, help me," he asked. They both pulled down on the cane, applying pressure to the screw holding the metal fastener to the door. With a splintering crack, the screws gave way, spilling Rex and Ruby to the floor, but also rendering the lock useless. Rex threw open the door and raced inside to drag the attendants out, starting with Princess Margaret.

As Rex pulled people out one by one, Ruby ran out of the Jewel House to find help. She was saddened, but not surprised, to see that several Beefeaters were lying dead outside. These had all been shot and stabbed rather than gassed. She guessed that the perpetrators had killed the actual guards and taken their places, then killed more guards during their escape.

Trying to push that image from her mind she saw a policeman strolling down the sidewalk just outside the Tower. She started waving like mad and shouted for him to come over.

"What seems to be the problem, mum?" He asked in a polite, but wary tone.

"We need help," she told him. "We have dozens of people that have been gassed at the Tower, including Princess Margaret. Radio in for lots of backup."

The officer eyed her questioningly and then leaned forward and sniffed. It was as if her whole face smelled of champagne. "Princess Margaret is it? Been having a bit of a tot tonight, have we?"

Ruby drew herself up to her full height and jabbed her finger into the officer's chest. "Get the bloody cavalry or you'll be explaining to your Captain how you let a member of the Royal Family die while you stood there with your head up your arse." She turned on her heel and headed back to the Tower. Behind her, she could hear the stunned officer radioing in for help.

When she returned, Rex was pulling the last person out of the Jewel Room. Some were already starting to stir, still hacking and coughing, but alive. Ruby was glad to see Rex kneeling next to Willoughby, helping him drink some water as he slowly revived. "What happened?" he croaked weakly.

"I'm not sure," Rex replied. "But it appears the Crown Jewels are missing and someone just tried to kill all of us. Once the gas clears out we can get a better look at the message they left."

"What about him?" Ruby indicated the fake Beefeater, still lying face down where they had left him. "I bet he has some answers."

"He might have, but he won't be telling them," Rex said gravely. "He's dead, I'm afraid. Must have fractured his skull when I landed on him. Sorry about that."

"Don't be," Ruby said coolly. "I'd rather that happen than the alternative."

As they were helping Willoughby to his feet Rex heard a polite cough behind him and saw with surprise that Princess Margaret was standing before him. Even after nearly dying she still looked regal and beautiful.

"I have been told that I have you to thank for saving us," she said in a dignified and austere manner. "Thank you, my kind sir. The Crown shall be forever in your debt. I'm afraid we haven't met yet." She extended her hand, palm down.

"Rex Fletcher, ma'am," he said, taking her hand and giving her a short bow. "It's a pleasure to meet you. No need to thank me. I was just doing what anyone would in that circumstance."

As he spoke he saw the Princess cringe with a look of disappointment and then raise her chin even higher. "Oh, an American. What a pity." She turned and strode to the exit, leaving Rex befuddled but Ruby highly amused.

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