Coming back to Hogwarts

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Hi everyone,
This is my first fanfiction and English isn't my first language so please don't be too hard on me hihi. I hope you like it.! If you see some errors just tell me I'll correct them.


Draco's pov

Christmas break was over. As always, Draco was glad to come back to Hogwarts. He felt more at home in this school than in his own house. It was his 5th year in Hogwarts. His 5th year pretending. Pretending he was a bully. Pretending his family was not on the dark side. Draco hated that. He hated his father for being a death eater. He hated his father for marrying his mother without even loving her one bit. Draco will have to become a death eater himself. If he refused, his father would probably beat him to death.

He got onto the platform 9 3/4. Blaise and Pansy were already there probably talking about the gifts they received or about how amazing their time spent with their families was. He heard Pansy's voice: "Hey Draco!"
"Hi" he answered, pulling back his nonchalant tone.
"How was your Christmas break?"
"Oh hum pretty well thanks Blaise. What about you two?"
"I had a great time with my mother. I even learned about some new charms with my aunt". This answer kind of hurt Draco because he knew his father would never teach him something new. Actually, they never spent time together except when his father would yell at him, punish him for his bad work at school or during the rare dinners he shared with both of his parents.
"It's really nice talking about all that but the train will be going quite soon maybe we should go" Pansy nodded as an answer
"Yes you're right lets go" Blaise said.

On the train, they mostly talked about how excited they were to start their classes again after a two weeks break. Blaise even fell asleep with his head laying on the window. ''He is kind of cute asleep like that'', Draco heard himself thinking. He realized what he was thinking about and panicked because he would have never ever thought about how cute a GUY is. Especially not his best friend. Pansy obviously saw the weird expression on Draco's face because she asked him if he was okay. He answered that he remembered he had probably forgot his favorite book at home. She seemed to believe the lie. The rest of the ride was quite calm. Except for Draco's brain, which was working crazily trying to figure out what kind of mistake this was.

They arrived at Hogwarts after a couple of hours. Outside, snow was covering the grounds everywhere they looked. Hogwarts really was amazingly beautiful during winter time. The students all got off the train and got onto cars driven by some weird skeletal horses with wings. The ride through the woods was astonishing. Squirrels were running every now and then in the white snow. As soon as they entered the castle, they went in the great hall so Dumbledore could do his speech. They met Crabbe and Goyle at the Slytherin table . They both stayed at school for the winter break. The Christmas tree was still standing in the room, as well as all the fairy lights. 

Harry's pov

Harry spent Christmas break with the Weasleys this year. It the best Christmas he ever had. They has snowball fights, hot chocolate and a lot of candies. Mrs. Weasley even made them some new sweaters. Today they were all returning to Hogwarts. He was with Ron, George, Fred and Ginny. Hermione would meet them on the train. They all went to the platform with the Weasley parents. After saying goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, they hopped on the train with their trolleys. Ron and Harry met Hermione in the same compartment as always while Ginny was with some friends of her year. The twins were probably somewhere on the train planning some pranks. Hermione was really happy to see them both.

The trio talked about a lot of random things during the ride. Hermione wanted to know everything they did during the break. Ron told her about all the pranks his brothers did on Percy. Harry told the part about the Christmas Eve dinner and the games they played.
"I went skiing with my parents! Ron probably knows what it is but I'll explain it later. I also saw my aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents on Christmas Eve. We ate a wonderful dinner and we opened all the presents". That's all Hermione said before starting to explain what skiing was. Harry zoned out while looking outside the window. He kept replaying the two weeks of fun he had in his head. He thought about starting classes again and seeing all the teachers. He wondered if this year something interesting would happen. Time flew by pretty fast. A few hours later, they were at Hogwarts in the great hall. They talked with the other Gryffindors sitting at the table. All the students  were really happy to be back. After Dumbledore's speech, food appeared on the plates and everyone started eating while saying funny stories about their holidays to their friends. 

It felt so good to be home again. Harry got on his bed to attempt to get some sleep. He heard Ron coming in the room so he thought he might wait a little to talk with his friends. Neville and Seamus also came in the room. After talking a bit about everything and nothing, the four roommates  went to bed. It was earlier than they would normally go to sleep but tomorrow, right after breakfast, they had potions with the Slytherins. They didn't want to be late. They simply couldn't be late for class with the very loveable Professor Snape and his slow, slow, slow, speaking pace.

Harry didn't have a lot of affection for this teacher. The feeling was reciprocal because Snape was always (if you know you know) looking for either new ways to make Gryffindors loose points or new ways to put Harry in detention. One day, he was teamed up with a Slytherin guy, Crabbe and the boy made their potion explode. The teacher knew it was Crabbe but he still punished Harry only. He had to clean all of the cauldrons for a week. It was an exhausting week because of all the exams, the cauldrons cleaning and the quidditch practices.  Harry could now hear Ron snoring. He made himself comfortable in his sheets and closed his eyes. Tomorrow was going to be great and even Snape would not be able to ruin it. He fell asleep.

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