The rose

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Skip in time we're now February 1st

Draco's pov

Draco was heading to the library to get a transfiguration book when he heard someone crying. He tried to get closer to see who it was. The sound was getting louder and louder until he reached a dark corridor. On the floor, there was a boy crying. He had his head in his knees so it was difficult to see who it was. After a couple of seconds, he recognized the dark hair. It was Harry. Harry Potter. Draco didn't know what to do. Should he comfort him or insult him. He thought that maybe they would be in better terms if he helped Harry. He was on his way to comfort the boy when a screaming voice said: "Draco are you here? Come what are you doing?" It was Blaise. Draco knew that if he'd seen Harry like that, he would bully him. He decided to leave the him and to go with Blaise. He would keep this a secret.

Harry's pov

Harry was destroyed. He didn't know what to do. Sooner that day, Ginny asked him on a date. He thought that the "kiss thingy" was over now. The boy said no. He didn't know why but dating Ginny didn't feel right. After that, she was extremely upset and sad That made Ron angry and now he would not talk to Harry anymore. She was after all, her little sister. But still, he lost his best friend because of that. There was only Hermione that he could really trust right now. Harry was in a corridor crying alone. He didn't know what to think about all this. The Weasleys were his only family. He knew it would be over someday but when?

He heard footsteps. Someone was coming this way. He tried to hide his face in his knees so the people coming would not be able to see his face. The person coming stopped on the corner of the wall. If only he could see who it was. Then he saw, in front of him was some water spilled on the floor. Harry could see the reflection of the person standing here. It was Malfoy. Harry was scared. He knew Malfoy would make fun on him. His minions were probably not far behind ready to bully him. He heard a voice but he could't tell what it said. Then, through the puddle of water, he saw Malfoy getting out of the corridor. Did Malfoy just missed the chance of his life to bully Harry?? What's going on with Malfoy? With all that, Harry stopped crying and was now on his way to the Gryffindor common room. He skipped the last meal and went directly to bed. He fell asleep with tears rolling down his cheeks.

Draco's pov

Two days after that, all the students had to go in the great hall because Dumbledore had an announcement to do.
" Hello everyone, I hope you have a great year until now. I wanted to say that, since Valentine's Day is close, we decided to make a little activity. Everyone in this school, and when I say everyone I mean EVERYONE, will have to send a rose to someone else in the school. I think it could be a good way to make people smile and to confess your love'' He said while blinking. Whispers were heard in the great hall.

Draco started thinking about who he would give his rose to. Then he remembered  two days ago when he saw Harry crying. He looked so fragile and innocent. Draco started smiling at these images. Then, he looked for Harry in the room. He finally found him talking to Hermione at the Gryffindor table. Draco liked his round glasses. It made him look like a nerd. He turned back to reality. Pansy was looking at him with a smirk. Draco wondered what that meant.

Later that night, all the Slytherins were in the common room. Slowly, people kept going to bed until there was only Pansy and Draco left.

"I know you like him"

Draco didn't know what to answer. This is what came out if his mouth:

" What are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about Draco"

" No"

" How you look at him. You have sparkles in your eyes when you see him. Maybe you didn't realize it but you're in love Dray."

Draco didn't know what to think about it. She was so right. That explained a lot of things.

"Maybe you're right. That would explain a lot of things. Like when I saw Ginny in Harry's arms and I felt something moving in my stomach."

" Haha knew it!!"

"But how do I tell him? There's no way he likes me back. He HATES me."

"There's only one way to know."


"Give him your rose"

"I don't want everybody to see my name on it!!"

"Then don't write your name. Just write it's from a boy.  You'll know if he's gay or not."

"You're so bright. What would I do without you."

''Probably die''

Both of them laughed at this comment.

Harry's pov

Harry thought a lot about who he was going to give his rose. Two days after the announcement, he finally decided that he was gonna give it to Ron. Not as a love declaration but as an apologize. He missed Ron a lot. He would still have to wait until February 14th to give it to him but he could wait for that. He knew Ron would forgive him.

Skip in time we're now February 14th

Harry's pov

It was finally the day everyone was receiving their roses. Ron had one from Hermione and Hermione one from Ron. Hermione kissed Ron after receiving the rose. It was about time. Then the redhead boy saw the rose Harry gave him with an apology written on a piece of parchment.  He of course forgave him and they became friends again. He couldn't resist to that. After that, Ginny received a rose from Dean and they were now smooshing their faces one against the other. Everyone was happy. Harry was the last one to see from who his rose was. On the paper it was written:

To: Harry Potter
From: A boy who likes you

Harry's heart dropped when he saw it. A boy was attracted to him!! He couldn't be more happy. He needed to hide it so he acted like if he thought it was weird. 

''Ha ha you're receiving a rose from a gay! That's hilarious.''

''Shut up Dean!''

''What Harry? Don't tell me you're gay?

''No of course not! But I'm not homophobic like you''

'' I'm not homophobic I just think it's funny''

'' Boys stop it. Please keep it a secret I don't want Harry to be bullied because of that.''

''Thanks Ron''

'' No problem''

Before going to bed, Harry had to finish a potions essay so he went to the library and Hermione came with him to help. The room was empty. They sat at a table and Harry started to write while Hermione was supervising him. Then, Hermione broke the silence;

''Harry you can tell me.''

''Tell you what?''

''That you're gay. It's obvious.''

''Wait what?? How do you know? Does somebody else knows?''

'' No don't worry Harry, I'm the only one who does. Nobody told me, I just saw it. I also know you're happy that a boy gave you a rose. I saw you smiling when you read it.''

''Well I didn't know you knew me so well Hermione. But are you upset?''

''Upset? Of course not Harry! I knew you were gay since third year.''

''Oh okay then. Could you please keep this a secret?''

''Don't worry. I won't tell anyone''

'' Okay thanks. Now we should finish my essay''

''Yes you're right lets work on this.''

Harry was relieved. Someone he trusted knew his secret. It felt good. 

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