One ~ rants

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Okay so here it goes

I'm a human, not a stupid little doll you can toy around with. I have feelings I have a heart I breath air and walk this earth just like you, so why do you think it's okay just to go around calling me
Anorexic (which btw I'm not)
Fuck up
"Fake cutter"
Attention whore
Why go to that extent and some ones life miserable? FOR NO FUCKING REASON! Why do you care so much about what other people are doing and then make fun of them and toying with there feelings, THAT SHIT HURTS like HELL! Almost every fucking day I come home not wanting to be here anymore, just wanting to kill myself. why? Because your stupid ass wanted to fuck around say hurtful shit to me and add on to the shit that's already happening in my life with out you making it worse. And then on top of that you have nerve to say that I "cut" for attention that I go to therapy for "attention" that I purposely want to make my life horrible just so people will like me and show me pity! So if your that kind of person then go FUCK YOURSELF bc I can't stand shitty people like you who (yeah I'm gonna fucking be a child and say it) are bullies! And you know what? Maybe if you weren't such a bully there maybe wouldn't be so many people depressed and "emo's" since you hate them so much. And you know what ? People commit suicide because of words you say ! Come to think of it you basically murdered Some one! Do you really want to live with the burden of having killed someone bc of your stupid actions ? No then fucking stop making fun of people and just stop being shitty and mean to people like wtf is wrong with you? Sorry ugh fuck Idek what I'm doing with my life sorry...
I'm Lia btw

Sorry btw this isn't really a fictional story or anything its more of a venting thing and rants idk, but I'm here for you guys DM me if you need someone to talk to. Ask me questions whatever just know I'll be willing to listen if you need to talk to anyone. I love you guys ! And remember each and everyone of you is beautifully and unique in your own way and don't let people bring you down. (Damn I sound like a hypocrite)

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