Chapter 7

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The meddling mutt sheds a tear as Sevy, his best friend ever, says his last words. "I can count on you, Scooby Dooby Doo, I know we caught that villian"

Scoob Scooby Dooby Scoo The Doo Dooby Scoobay Dooby Doo Doo Of Wales, the meddling mutt closes Sevy's eyes and he dies peacefully.

"Aww crumbs" says Carl being arrested. "I wish I was as cool as you Sherriff Dino. I would've gotten away with it if it wasn't for that meddling mutt."

The mutt says "Scooby Dooby Doo" and leaves a Scooby Snack at Sevy's dead hand, a sign of respect for the days of friendship.

The End.

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