Chapter 4: Consequences

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I wanted to punch AJ in the face for suggesting I'd help Edge hunt down a Mindstalker who not only wanted me dead, but possibly my friend. I didn't know the first thing about hunting down parasitic monsters.

Kaleb and AJ escorted me to the infirmary to clear me with their medics.

I wanted to leave as soon as the scent of antiseptic hit me in the exam room. I stood beside an exam table, staring at it as if it might jump out and bite me. The room seemed to be getting warmer and cramped. My throat tightened and my vision focused on the handle on the door as it turned downward, and the doctor swung the door open.

"Solstice Bellatrix. What a name!" Dr. Liam Wentz as his name scrawled on his white lab coat, entered the room, wearing gray scrubs with a hand shoved into his pocket and his golden Rolex caught a glimpse of the lighting in the room. He looked in my direction. A middle-aged man, roughly AJ's height, with platinum-gray hair, and concerned light-brown eyes.

"Dr. Wentz, thanks for doing this short notice for us," Kaleb said.

"It's not a problem." He turned in my direction, his tight smile dipped a little. "I'm sorry about what took place at the Skyline. I've been there once or twice with colleagues. Nice place, it's a shame that it's got this reputation on its tail. Huh? You seem nervous."

"Can't remember the last time I've seen a doctor," I said.

"Well, I have some good news. I'm not hard pressed for time, so we can get to know each other better. Do you gentlemen mind if Solstice and I have some privacy?"

My face fell, and I made a sound that could've been mistaken for a whimper. I hugged myself, stared down at the ground, and talked myself out of bolting. How could a grown woman behave like this just for a stupid check-up?

"Actually, I'd like to stay. If Solstice is fine with that?" AJ said.

"Is that a problem, Dr. Wentz?"

"Suits me. Whatever's best for the patient."

"I'm fine with AJ being here." I almost collapsed where I stood, overjoyed by the fact he offered to stay. Still, deep inside, I felt pathetic.

"I'll see my way out. Call me if anything comes up," Kaleb said.

"Yes, got it. Thanks, Kaleb." Once the door clicked shut, Dr. Wentz practically let his hair down, at least the bits of it that weren't whisping away on the top. "So, I've gotta ask, how did you meet Alexander? Did he pick you up during one of his nightly rendezvous?"

"Actually, Liam, she just fell into my arms," AJ said.

"This is a check-up, not a gossip session, right?"

"She's right, we'll back to that after I grab some blood."

I took a visible step back. "You need blood. Today?"

"Oh, right, Dr. James Anthony, the director of medicine here at the facility requested some samples. It's really protocol and mostly paperwork. Just a small vial," Dr. Wentz said.

My abdomen tightened into knots.

"We'll save that for the last part of the check-up, then," he said.

"So, did you get look at the latest capture?" AJ asked.

"I've been here for over six months, AJ. You're notorious for destroying every sample we obtain. Dr. Anthony wants me to keep him under wraps. What I can tell you we're preparing to ship it to the Nevada branch for further experimentation," he said. "Rumor has it that you didn't wrangle this one on your own. A certain patient of mine assisted you. I need to know how."

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