Not well

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The sun woke her. Valkyrie Cain slowly opened her eyes and glimpsed her curtain before turning over to face the wall. She didn't want to get up, even if she had a job, as a detective, with a living skeleton. 

Valkyrie had recently discovered that she was Darquesse, the girl that was supposed to destroy the world. Valkyrie sealed her name, but because she knew it, her power was too much for her, forming a personality of its own, controlling her, taking over. This annoyed Valkyrie, knowing that there was this voice inside of her constantly telling her to let it take over her, for her to have all the power, to become Darquesse. 

She turned again to face the ceiling, staring at the white paint on the roof, listening to the chirping birds outside, and then a knock on her window. Oh, great. Just great. When Valkyrie was at her worst, Skulduggery just happens to come. She rolled out of bed, and opened the latch on the window, and went back to bed continuing to look at the roof. Skulduggery flew inside and sat on her bed.

"You know that you're late. Right?" He said.

"I know. I'm not coming today; I don't feel too good," she mumbled, turning over to her side so her back was facing Skulduggery.

"And why is that?"

"Just me problems." Valkyrie said while yawning.

"Well, I think working on this case will take your mind off your me problems."

"I doubt it."

"Well... do you want to talk about it?"

Valkyrie paused, searching for the right things to say that would make sence.

"It's just... I hate it that she's there, always yelling at me saying 'let me take over, let me take over' and I'm sick and tired of it." Valkyrie vented, getting out of bed, and getting out some casual clothes.

"I understand." Skulduggery said

"No. You don't. You don't know what it's like, someone shouting at you all the time, being trapped behind a cell while watching yourself become this...evil person." Valkyrie raged.

"What I meant was, I don't entirely understand, But I do understand what it's like to be evil without control over it, and then regretting it later on."

But Valkyrie didn't regret it, she didn't mind being invincible.

If you like the power so much, then why don't you let me take over? Huh? You're scared of what people will think of you. What will Skulduggery think of you, if he finds out that you like being me?

Shut up.

But why should I? If it's the truth.

I said shut up, just... stop. OK?

Come one, let me get in... make yourself become invincible.

"I said shut up!" Valkyrie screamed.

"Uh...everything OK over there? Having trouble picking out clothes?"

Valkyrie turned around, now facing Skulduggery.

"She's back," Valkyrie whispered grasping her head with her hands.

"Valkyrie, calm down."

"No! Just leave! Get out!

"You're in control."

For now, you are. Just surrender and there will be no more yelling from me, no more pain, just power.

Please. Just Go away.

You know I can't do that. Just surrender.

Valkyrie took a deep breath "OK."

"There we go, see? You are in – " Skulduggery said.

"I surrender."

"No, Valkyrie don't –

The TakeOver - A Short Skulduggery Pleasant FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now