Amber Potter

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Your name is Amber Potter, you are currently going to be in your first hear at hogwarts and you are just one year younger than your older brother Harry. You have lived through everything harry lived through and live at the burrow. You have brown straight hair, and green eyes. 


''Amber darling! Wake up!'' I can heard Miss Weasley yell downstairs. '' uhg..I can'ttt .. IM COMINGG!!'' I decided to yell. Suddenly I realized today Ginny and I will go to hogwarts! As I jumped out of bed I got dressed and ran down for breakfast. We all looked like muggles, I was wearing a casual hoodie and a nice pair of jeans. I have always looked up to going to Hogwarts, but my brother always told me about a guy named Malfoy, who teases him alot. I cant wait to levicorpus his ass.. Since Hermione Granger also stays at the burrow in the summer, she has 'forced' me to read her school books through and try to prepare for school. I didn't want to at first but well.. lets say it was fun. Fred and George waved me to come sit with them and I ran towards them quickly. ''Goodmorning!'' They said in choir. '' Goodmorning!!'' I said as I seated myself between them. '' Are you excited to go to Hogwarts with us Amber?'' Fred asked. '' Yess!! Ofcourse! I can't wait to finally see the castle!'' I answered. Miss Weasley made some plates with eggs bacon and toast float towards us gently, and they landed themselves in front of us. As we finished our delicious breakfast we took our stuff and went outside. Mister Weasley had a flying car settled for us to get to the perron. I went in and was kinda nervous, so I sat next to Hermione and Harry to make sure they can help me when something happens. Ginny sat next to Fred and George, and looked at me kinda nervous. It all went very fast and we arrived within 5 minutes. I saw a platinum blonde boy just Harry's age looking at us in digust, and assumed it was Malfoy. As we said goodbye to Ms en Mstr Weasley, we seated ourselves in a train compartment together with a blonde haired girl who was reading a magazine upside down. ''Hi!'' I said happily to maybe find a new friend. ''Oh...Hello there..I didn't notice you girls walking in here..'' she said in a very calm voice. ''I'm Luna Lovegood! You must be a Potter.. I never knew Harry had a little sister..'' How did yo- Oh.. the scar'' I forgot about the lightning scar on my head for a second. It sometimes really hurt... ''Yeah, I'm Amber, Amber Potter.'' I explain. ''Ginny Weasley''  Ginny states. We havent seen Harry and Ron, but they are probably fine. Suddenly the Platinum blonde malfoy boy walks to our compartment and stands in the doorway. '' Amazing, another Potter has come to Hogwarts..'' He scoffed sarcastically. '' watch your words.'' I said looking at him in disgust. '' You should watch yours'' He was intimidating,yet handsome. His hair was slicked back and he had blueish grey eyes. As soon as I realized I was staring I looked at him straight like he was a wall, and said: ''My brother has told me alot about you, don't you dare mess with my brother.'' I said angrily yet calm. ''Or what?'' He looked at me with a 'bitch you aint gon do nothin' face. '' I-...'' ''Piss of Malfoy!'' Ginny saved me. As we arrived at Hogwarts we had to get into little boats, As Luna,Ginny and I got in, it just floated over the water by itself! I was looking at Malfoy, wondering what his first name would be, and I decide to ask Harry as soon as I see him.

We got out of the boats and some old lady told us her name is Minerva Mcgonagall. Professor Mcgonagall. Sounds good.. We had to follow her and all of a sudden we were in a room filled by students of all ages. Mcgonagall called out my name and said I had to come and get infront of the class. I sat down on a stool infront of everyone, and a talking hat was put on my head.

''Another Potter..'' As the hat said those words, I heard people whispering and they looked at me like 'OH SHIT ANOTHER POTTER!' I gave them a 'YEAH YOU DUM BITCH' ''I know just what to do with you! Your brother would have been good in slytherin.. but now its about you..You are as kind as a hufflepuff, Smart as a ravenclaw, brave as a gryffindor and cunning as a Slytherin..

''SLYTHERIN, GRYFFINDOR, HUFFLEPUFF,RAVENCLAW!'' It suddenly yelled. Everyone looked like 'bitch dafuq' , even the teachers gave me this look. Every House table was yelling for me. Even the slytherins. '' SILENCE.'' Professor old man yelled. '' we need to do a unusual ritual, to decide which house she fits best. She has to choose. But not knowing what..''  The old man said, taking his wand out and having four papers to float. He makes them switch places every time someone talks and suddenly he said:'' Wisdom, Leadership, Adventure, Or love?'' Hmm..Well, Adventure and Love. I answered. Two of the papers floated away and burnt themselves up.  '' Now.. Left or Right?'' ''Right Professor.'' I answered. ''GRYFFINDOR!'' The old man said together with the hat.

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