First day

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You wake up in your dorm, which you share with Luna and Ginny.  Luna was reading a book and Ginny was convincing herself she looked absolutely gorgous. As soon as we got ready, I noticed a small, cute diary, and decided to take it. During breakfast, I went to the library to take a closer look on the small journal. As I sat down I saw the words Tom Marvolo Riddle. I guess it must be his. I openend the diary and tested out the paper. '' Hello'' I wrote onto the small paper.

My heart skipped a beat when there suddenly stood '' Who is this?'' next to my ''Hello''. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?! I wrote down my name. '' Amber Lilly Potter.'' I then wrote'' Who is this?'' And the same words as on the cover appeared. 'Tom Marvolo Riddle' I got 'sucked up' by the book and the next thing I knew, was I was in hogwarts. But not just hogwarts. An older version. I saw a quite handsome boy who I tought was Tom. Then I was back at the library. I looked at the book in pure confusion as the words '' Hurry to the bathroom'' appeared. I didnt know wether I would go or not but decided to go. As soon as I got in the bathroom, everything went black.


I woke up in my dorm the next morning, and Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Luna were watching me. My heart skipped a beat as I realize there were boys in my dorm. Harry is okay but, I dont know about ron..He isnt biologically related to me. I just go with it and try to remember what happenend yesterday. Nothing comes in mind. '' Amber, are you okay?!'' I hear my brother worry, but all I see is just a blur. ''Oh look, our little Potter isn't that strong anymore, is she?'' I hear Malfoy scoff in the back. I stand up to prove him wrong, i walk towards him and I fell. yes, you read that right, I FELL. As Malfoy tried to hold me up, Idk why either, I felt comfortable. His cold, yet warm hands gave me a feeling of comfort, and I didnt want him to let go off me. That might also be because of the fact I would fall, but I didnt want this moment to end. I then realized it was malfoy and I tried to get away, but he held me and I could hear him say: ''you are not going anywhere'' I could feel his cold breath, and I reached out for my brother and the others, but they were all gone. Malfoy held onto my arm, and he pulled me with him, into a janitors room. He locked the door and I tried to scream for help, but I couldnt talk. '' Now.. Goodnight, Little Potter'' He grabbed onto my neck, and everything went black. again...


I woke up, still in the janitors room, and I couldn't move. I was left alone. Tied up. Have I just been captured by that blonde ferret?!..

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