chapter 2

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I woke up tied to a chair, it was dark and I was confused. I couldn't understand where I was and why I was there.

A few minutes later, I saw light. I looked up and saw Esther Mikaelson. I couldn't believe that she had taken me. For a moment I thought that she may be here to save me, perhaps she was innocent. "Mrs Mikaelson, where am I?" She shushed me "Why am I here?". She stood up straight "Mikael has requested I change my children and don't get me wrong Mikka I plan on it. But, I love my children and do not want anything to go wrong. So, I plan on using you as a test run". I was in shock "What? What are you talking about? Change me?!". She looked conflicted, I could tell she found this difficult, she wasn't evil. "This may come as a shock but before I had Niklaus, I was unfaiful to my husband and I became with child. This man was very much like you, a werewolf. You see I worry if I turn Niklaus into a vampire it may have some complications with his werewolf side. Consequently, I plan on testing it out on you" I yell in shock "A vampire?!"

Before I know it I've been knocked out. I wake up gasting for breath. Esther pulls me up and I see a friend of mine. Esther takes a knife out and cuts against her skin. I feel hunger come over me and I grab my friend draining her of blood, killing her. Guilt comes over me and I realise that I have killed someone meaning I have inherited the werewolf curse. I scream in pain as my bones break slowly and I turn into a wolf.

I wake up later, surrouned by the Mikaelson brothers and Rebekah. Elijah helps me up and says "Mika, we must leave and we would like you to accompany us" I get up slowly "What are you talking about? What's going on? What about my family". "You do ask a lot of questiond for a girl that's just been turned into a vampire" Rebekah suggests. Elijah grabs everybodys attention "Esther turned us all and Mikael has seen Niklaus' wolf side. Lets just say he did not take it very well and he slaughtered all of the werewolfs in town, including your family and murdered our Mother. We must run and we believe it would be best for you to come with us as you are vulnerable. I know you must be upset about your losses and I apologise greatly, however we must leave. Are you coming" I was totally in shock at what I'd heard "Yes. Fine. I will come" I say while a tear draws down my face. "Despite what your Mother did to me. I apologise for your loss".

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