Chapter 1 || Literally the only chapter

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This fic is based on the meme above it actually took me half an hour to stop laughing at it so yeah this is all satirical pls don't take it seriously XD


By now, the veins on Kenma's strained eyes appeared as red as his uniform jersey. His fingers aggressively pranced along the soft hues of his gaming keyboard, the clicks resonating around the confinement's of his room.

Over and over, no matter how invested he was and how hard he tried, there was always someone better than him. He knew that, and he knew that sometimes he would never stand on the top pedestal.

Still, despite that fact, the competitive spirit inside him wants to try. He was sure that his current ruthless attitude adapted from playing volleyball; and every loss only motivated him more. Though at the back of his mind, a lingering disheartened feeling would pound in his chest with every setback.

Falling again and again through tunnels of mesmerising passing colours for hours on end caused his eyes to transform, the previously thin feline-like eyes being as square as the blocks in his computer game, and his hyper fixation on that single mini game was sure not to dissolve anytime soon.

The room of his door creaked open, revealing a teammate, tall and messy-haired. "Kenma?"

No response.

"Kenma," Kuroo began, a stern expression hinted in his tone. "You need to take a break."

Kenma didn't reply once again.

The bi colour haired boy heard what his upperclassman demanded, but didn't listen. Rather, he chose to be unresponsive to spite his friend.

Kuroo called out the name for the third, and final, time. "Kenma!" This time, there was a frustrated rasp amongst his vocal chords.

Quick to respond, Kenma's shoulders flinched as his index finger instinctively stamped on the escape button. Timidly, Kenma prepared his ears for a lecture, staring down at his keyboard with a shameful pout. However, not a word escaped Kuroo for surprisingly longer than expected. Instead, Kenma heard heavy footsteps approach from behind, with a hand finally being laid on his head.

Kuroo's voice was now melted into a soft, quiet and comforting whisper. "Please, you've been at that for hours. Take a break."

"But-" The gamer was cut off by Kuroo's hand trailing down his hair and onto his shoulder. Kuroo peaked his head above Kenma sitting down, as they finally made eye contact.

Kenma was hasty to avert his eyes. "...I won't stop until I win." His finger once again moved reached the escape button, but it was stopped by a hand that hovered above the keys.

"You don't have to win, you're supposed to have fun."

Kenma's eyebrows twitched. "It's not fun unless I'm winning." He grumbled.

Kuroo sighed. "It's just a game, Kenma."

At that point, the shorter setter had had enough. "Just a game? Just a game!?" Kenma's legs propelled him up off his chair, causing it to almost tip and fall backwards. Previously his finger rested on Kuroo's hand when he blocked Kenma from typing, but now the roles were flipped. Kenma was now in control, as his hand whipped away and grasped Kuroo by the collar, bringing his face down to eye-level.

"Would you say the same for volleyball!? That it's just a game!?"

Kuroo's eyes widened. "No... I..." The usually confident middle blocker had never usually seen his best friend this serious, and it make him anxious.

Kenma's eyes directed a chilling glare to Kuroo's, his voice leaking venom as he spoke. "You're cringe."

With that, Kenma had let go, and sat back down. His hair covered the view of his eyes as his hands rested on his knees, shoulders tense.

The room was eerily quiet until Kuroo shuffled away. Kenma didn't dare to look at Kuroo.

Until he heard a sniff.

"Kuroo?-" Kenma's shoulders dropped when he saw the face of his best friend.

Kuroo wore a broken expression. His eyes were coated in a glossy layer, as streams of tears were escaping every corner and staining his face with a red hue. His shoulders and hands seemed to uncontrollably shake, making every one of his sniffs sound shakier than the last.

"I'm... cringe?" Kuroo's voice cracked with a pained tension.

Kenma sat looking up at his friend, stuck at a loss for words.

When Kuroo turned his head away, his eyebrows furrowed in a frustrated crinkle, tears still spilling out of him. "Fine then."

Kuroo hadn't even managed to take two steps forward before he held a grip on his wrist. "Kuroo, wait."

"I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." Kenma's posture turned coy, conveying his regret immediately.

Now it was the other's turn to become vulnerable, as the grip on Kuroo's wrist became weary. Kenma was still sat on the chair, his face directed down. "I j-just wanted to win..."

A soft smile grew on Kuroo's face. He couldn't stay sad forever; Kenma was his best friend, and for the majority, they knew exactly what to say to each other.

"It's ok, Kenma." Kuroo crouched to meet Kenma turning up. "But when you lose, you're not failing, you're learning. I believe in you." Now, a wide grin met Kenma's surprised expression.

Kuroo was taken aback as he felt smaller arms tightly wrap around his waist. Kenma buried his face into Kuroo's chest, slightly soaking the fabric of his clothes in tears.

"I-I'm s-so sorry!" Kenma choked out as he sobbed with guilt.

Kuroo returned the gesture with his arms wrapping around the smaller figure in from of him. "You can try again tomorrow, okay?" He softly suggested.

Kenma's face raised and lowered in a subtly nod, still connected to Kuroo's chest. "Mmh..." He muffled out a hum.

Kuroo smiled sweetly, the tears from the previous exchange now drying up on his still red face. "You'll win tomorrow... My little pogchamp."



「 Pogchamp 」|| Kuroo Tetsuro x Kenma KozumeWhere stories live. Discover now