Chapter Five

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I wake when I hear a knock on my door.Hey Renee it's kim .Can I come in please we can talk if you want or just chill.I acted like I was still asleep.I take it that my parents called Kim to see if I was at home and if so did I make home safe.I just in my bed thinking about this whole situation and what to think about it.I don't know what to think anymore.I wish my grandma was here so I can talk to her.But she live in south Laker Tahoe.Right now that to far for me to drive in this condition.I looked at my phone to find out that I have 24 miss calls and 15 text msg from both of my parents,Mark and Jamie.I never like making my parents feel like this so I text them both that I'm okay and that I am at my place.I got up and walk to my bathroom to take a hot shower.Once I was done I unlock my door and head to the kitchen to eat.As I was making me a ham and cheese sandwich when Kim come in and ask me how I was doing. Knowing that I already know she knows what happened and wanting to know how I was about this whole thing.We both sat to talk about it when I hear a knock on at the front door. Kim goes to see who it was while I walk in the kitchen to make tea for me and Kim.Renee Kim says when she walks in the kitchen with Eric next to her.I drop the kettle on,the floor with hot water in it. Next thing I know it my foot was Burning from the hot water going everywhere on the ground.I screamed from the burning of my foot .Eric hurry and grab me by my waist and picks me up.and carries me to the couch and walks back in,the kitchen to get a wash clothes with cold water on it for my foot.Kim runs to the hall bathroom to grab the burn creme to put on my foot.I ask Eric how did he know where I live.Your parent gave me your address so we could talk and maybe be friends again.Eric I don't know if I want to.Renee I'm upset to about this.You were and still are my best in my life.When I moved back here with my family I couldn't wait to see you again.but I been so busy working that I didn't have time to go to your house.So please let us be friends.Eric just don't know.I feel bad not remembering you.I wish I could do something to get my memory back of you when we were kids.His eyes light up like something popped in his head.Renee do you have a laptop. No but I have a tablet.That's good enough he says in a happy tone.He looks up memory lost and how to jog your mind.We both read some site, to see what people had posted.As we were reading away Kim come in with tea for all three of his.This lady in another state was in a accident. And lost a lot of her memory but slowly got it back when she did things and went,to places that she went to before the accident.Eric I could do that. Go to places where we went in the picture.I looked at him with a serious face.Yea we can do that. I will not stop until you start to remember your childhood and me.A big smile came on my face as Eric say that.So what is our first step.Eric gets up and ask if I want to go to Sacramento to the zoo. He says that we had a field trip there in third grade.Sure I say to him. and Kim ask if she can come to help out.So I go to my room and grab my purse and phone.Once we get outside Eric peeps his car I turn and see a Chevy camero park in front of the house. My eye light up to see that it looks just like the car from Transformers movie.Eric open the passager for me and Kim. Kim gets in the back sea while I take the front seat,with Eric.Wow so Eric want do you do for living . Kim says in a playful tone.I turn to tell Kim to shut up that was to blunt.Eric laughs while he get on the freeway toward Sacramento. I'm a reality he tell us.That his mom is very known in L.A and that he started helping her with showing houses.His mom open a new office in Sacramento that she working out off at the moment .But he says that he now flip house.I ask him what he does when he flip house.He starts by telling that he buys cheap house and fixes them up and sale them for much more then he buys them at.I had asked him how much was the most he sold a house for.Eric smiles at me and says a half a million.Before I could stop I already said 500,000 dollars.Oh my gosh.You made that much off a house you flip.How much was the house when you bought it. He turn to me and say only 45,000 dollars . It was so messed up.but when I got done remodeling it. It look like a house for a celebrity.We got stuck in traffic since it was only three days until Christmas.People are out shopping or traveling to be with their family for Christmas. We finally get to the zoo after an hour in traffic to find out that it's closed.I ask is there another place in Sacramento we went to when we were kids.I turn to face Eric when he starts to drive off to the main road. I take it as a yes then.He smiles and tells me that there an ice cream place where we went when his mom took us to the movie to see a movie in,3-D.

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