[ Chapter 1 - Long Hours ]

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It's been 2 weeks since the day I left America to return home.

Everyday, I'd check my front door, in hope of seeing a letter from him.

There's always nothing.

It was always the same routine.

Wake up, get ready, then wait near the front door, staring out the window, waiting for a letter.

And wait.

And wait.

Till it was around noon.

At this point i'm still unsure on why I'm still waiting for some interaction with him.
It's been 2 long weeks of losing hope and feeling empty. I've never felt a pain like this in.. a long time.
But why?
Why was part of me in pain?

I've not hurt myself.. have I?

I shook my head and decided to finally stretch out, sliding lazily out of my bed. I reached out for my phone, checking the time, then stared at my bedroom door, hesitating.

It'll be the same.

There won't be a letter.


I grabbed my dressing gown quickly even though I was sure there wouldn't be anything at the door, but i still had hope.

There was a letter this time!

My eyes widened as I ran to go open in, ripping open the envelope to only see the following :

"Dear Himari,

how are you doing darling? It's been months since we last spoke..."

I scanned through it to only realise it was meant for my neighbour.

I sighed sadly, placing the letter down and stumbled over to the bathroom.

'Get a hold of yourself Eiji. You're a mess..'

I thought to myself, slapping my face with both hands.
"Ow.. " I mumbled.

[ Time Skip : 12:00pm ]

"Eiji!" somebody shouted from the front door.

I groaned before rolling off the couch and dragging myself along to the door, opening it to see Shunichi Ibe.

"Hello Ibe-san" I smiled, bowing slightly before letting him in.

He gave me a weak smile, stepping inside, placing a bag on the counter.

"Just some.. snacks for you." he said.

"Thank you." I muttered, sitting down with him at the surface.

It was a long silence.

"Anything.. from him yet?" Ibe asked.

I shook my head, a sudden pain filling in through my chest, making me place my hand on my heart.

"Ibe-san.." I said.


"When you miss someone.. will there always be a stabbing sensation in you?"

"What do you mean?" he questioned, scratching his head a little.

"What I mean is.. it's been two weeks.. and I feel as if a part of me isn't here anymore, like it's gone and it's so painful to sit through." I replied.

I could feel his gaze upon me, the faint smile no more but glaced eyes of tears. I turned to face him, worried.

"Ibe-san?" I said, my eyes wide.

"Sorry.." he said, wiping his eyes with his shamrock green, coat sleeve.

I passed him a tissue from the box which was sitting next to me, giving him a moment.

"I may seem like a big baby right now but it's just that I've never seen you in so much.. misery. You're like a different boy since you came back." he mumbled.

"I'm just a little upset.. that's all..! Upset that.." my voice quitened down ".. he hasn't written back."

"I know it's hard Eiji but you and Ash live completely different lives! He's 17 and is the leader of the gang, meaning he's most likely busy all the time and also you have to think about the time zones."

"But surely he could squeeze in a small moment to reply to at least one of the many letters.." I said, sadly.

"I know Eiji but think of all the action he's involved in!" He sighed, "Could we at least discuss this outside? You've not left this property at all and you're really pale from the lack of sun.. actually, now that i think about it, when did you go outside last?" He asked, tilting his head.

"I had a walk yesterday." I said

"Oh really? Where?" Ibe questioned.

"My garden." I replied firmly.

"Eiji..-"  he sighed "I know it isn't really my place to say but this isn't healthy Eiji.. I know Ash meant a lot to you but you can't keep dragging on like this." Ibe exclaimed, patting my back

"I know and I'm sorry making you worry like this," I said, sniffling "It's just that i've never had a friend like Ash, even though we are complete opposites.. he just felt like home.."

I felt Ibe gently ruffle my hair, giving me a small smile, I smiled back weakly then slowly stood up.

"Please excuse me Ibe-san... but please may I go have a small nap?" I asked, twidling my thumbs.

"Of course Eiji. I'll come knock on your door at around two o'clock to take you on a small walk, m'kay?"

I nodded, heading back to my room, shuting the door and going over to sit in the furthest corner of my room, which was on my bed.
Adjusting myself, I tried to find the right position to settle into but couldn't.

I shuffled, twisted, turned, stretched out, pulled myself close, but just couldn't get comfy..

.. That was until I felt a faint pair of "arms" wrap around me, filling me with a warm sensation. I couldn't tell if I was imagining the feeling but it didn't matter; I snuggled into the safe shield and slowly but surely began to drift off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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