Chapter 2

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I'm so sorry for not posting anything for a whole ass YEAR. My personal, educational, and love life had gotten quite hectic, shit happened, got me quite depressed, and ended in me losing all of my motivation to write. But thanks to my new partner and best friend, my life has become better than ever and I am so thankful. Anyways, sorry for the rant, and thank you so much for waiting. Love you guys, and I hope you enjoy this chapter :D

~~~~~~~~the next day~~~~~~~~

Ink POV:

Ever since the encounter yesterday, I couldn't stop thinking about him. Error. Such a cool name. Wait. I just remembered that I didn't tell him my name! I hope we can meet again. But then again, he said that if he saw me again, he would kill me. So I guess that's not possible. Either way, I'm so happy! He's the first spider I've seen, except in school when we were learning about them. They teach us what to do if we ever encounter a spider. Of course, I didn't listen to a thing. I just thought I'd never need to know.

Anyways, I should get home, Father must be trying to look for me right now. It took too long, but I was able to see something new. A spider. A spider that didn't kill me on sight. Well, in his defense, he WAS stuck in a puddle of mud.

I got home, and I saw that Father was already asleep on his bedflower. I'm glad that he didn't try to check up on me in the petal field near the border. I'm also glad he didn't send Cross to come to find me. Cross likes me and makes it painfully obvious. I don't like him, though. I don't like flirtatious people.

Maybe tomorrow I can try to go to the mud pool again. I'll be careful to make sure no one sees me this time. And maybe I can be able to see Error once again, but I'll make sure he doesn't see me.

I went to my room and lay on my bedflower, but I couldn't fall asleep. Normally, when this happens, I draw myself to sleep. I draw what I have on my mind in my daisy petal notebook. I am sure what to draw. Error.

Error POV:

When I got back to my web, I only caught a fly. I guess that's enough to eat for today. The sun is setting, I'll just have to hope some more food comes to me overnight. I ignored its helpless plead for freedom and mercy and bit its head off. Its body limped on my royal blue web, now dead. I finished eating and headed into my little cave.

I should sleep now, but I can't. As soon as I started to drift asleep, my mind instantly went to that weird butterfly. My mind filled with questions about it. I don't know why, but I might have a hunch. Most likely, it's because I've never seen a butterfly before. Let alone talk to one. It looked so scared when it first saw me. But if it was so scared to be eaten by me, then why help me? It could've killed me then and there, well, if it had a weapon. But it could've run away and called for help to kill me. Or just run away and never come back. Mother said that butterflies are heartless creatures and will attack spiders ruthlessly when they're sighted. But what I saw today was an innocent, kind butterfly that put my safety in front of theirs.

With these positive thoughts, I drifted to sleep. And I dreamt about meeting it one last time and asking all my questions about it. That was the best sleep I had had for as long as I remember.

Consumed by Love (Minusculetale Fanfic) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt