Middle school.

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Today is my first day of 8th grade, I'm very nervous since I just moved and I have no friends here. I hope I find other people that like comics!, Emma and I agreed to keep in touch, but since I moved here 1 week ago. She hasn't texted me....she's probably just busy, I'll text her later.

(Arriving at School)

Wow the school is bigger then I thought. Huh?, Everybody is wearing these nice brown and black uniforms..? Was I supposed to wear a uniform? This is awkward, while I walked up the steps to go to the entrance of the school. Im getting a lot of dirty looks.. as I walked into the school somebody started walking up to me. "Hi!, I'm layla! Are you new here?." Uhmm..yes? I said. "Well then I'll show you around!" I made a confused expression, why would somebody just come up to me and offer to show me around the school?. As layla showed me around, this one boy caught my eye..

Layla noticed and said " Ooo you staring at Aiden?" I started to blush... "He's kinda shy but I heard he's nice!" Layla mentioned. Around this time we finished going around the school, I thanked layla and went to my first class.  The teacher showed me my seat, as the rest of the students came inside, I noticed Aiden coming inside...I got embarrassed and looked at my shoes. Then I noticed HE SAT RIGHT NEXT TO ME??.. as I realized I couldn't ignore him because he sat right next to me. I started to raise my head, and looked at my desk. I started to fidget with my pencil, I stopped and realized my pencil fell right next to me, where Aiden was sitting.  I started to panic. Aiden noticed and picked up my pencil and gave it to me. I said thank you..and he just looked at me and started working on his paper again...I thought (well that's kinda rude..) but then I remembered when layla told me he was shy so I just ignored it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2021 ⏰

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