Chapter 3

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I answer and I see Charlie again on my screen but this time it is just us.  Inside I was going insane. I didn't want him to see or hear me scream so I muted myself or I thought I did and put my camera facing the ceiling. I screamed to the top of my lungs. I then got all my excitement out and rejoined the FaceTime. I go get my phone and realize that the mic was not muted. OOPS HEHEHE. I look at the screen and he is there on the screen just smiling like crazy. He goes "I can tell that you are a fan" and laughed that adorable little laugh. "Yeah I have been a fan since you guest starred in Degrassi Next Class. I didn't think I would actually get noticed by you and actually be able to meet you. I have kind of been dreaming about this day my entire life.hehehe".  "You are so adorable". 

"AWW thanks. That means a lot. Really. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you." 

"What do you mean?" 

"Well, ummmmm".

"It's ok. You can tell me anything. I wouldn't judge anyone".

"It's a long story".

"Don't worry, I got time". 

"Well, 3 years ago, there was an attempt.*breaks down crying* That was until you came into my life. Well, not actually but mentally. I obviously didn't succeed or else I wouldn't be here", 

"Well, Im glad you didn't succeed. Your family and friends would miss you too much. And you never would have been able to meet me".

"I know and I promised my parents that I would never try again and if I followed that, then maybe I would be able to meet you on tour. I was very hopeful about that. But then my parents got into a car accident that next year and I have been living with my sister as my guardian ever since.*continues to cry*"

I just started bawling my eyes out in front of Charlie. I had makeup running down my face but I didn't care. At that moment, I was talking to Charlie Gillespie.  It went quiet and I look at the screen and he is crying too with his mic off. He looked like he did in the show during unsaid Emily. (in media)

Charlie then unmutes himself, "I wish I could just give you a big hug. You know what? I am going to come and visit you. I will get on the plane first thing tomorrow and come spend the week with you. If that's ok."

"Let me just make sure that my sister is ok with that."(authors note- I would be going insane if Charlie told me that he was going to come and spend the week with me)

"Hey Ashley! Can Charlie come and stay with us for the week? He wants to come see us in person". She says yes. I tell him the address and he says he would be here by the end of the day tomorrow. 

By now it was already 10:00 at night. I figured I would let him go to bed since he had to be up early for a flight tomorrow. I couldn't wait for tomorrow to be here. I don't know if I will be able to sleep tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2021 ⏰

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