port dealer and ldw

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alright alright, let's introduce who the hell is in the gang. you already know the two main bitches but i'll state them again in case you somehow don't remember.
meet the ldw
Leader, Main/Best Racer: Teacup Ranen (female)
Side Mechanic, Right Hand Man, Main Transporter, Second Best Racer: Alastor Mello (female)
Main Mechanic, main emt: Kenma Kozume (male)
Side Racer, Side Dealer: Alisa Haiba (female)
Side Racer: Laura Litter (female)
Side Racer, Third Best Racer, Side Transporter, Main Dealer: Rumi Usagiyama (female)
ldw's code names
Teacup Ranen (Yaka)
Alastor Mello (Ghost)
Kenma Kozume (Kozume)
Alisa Haiba (Tiger)
Laura Litter (Little Misfits)
Rumi Usagiyama (Mirko)
meet the port dealers
Leader: Ryunosuke Akutagawa
Main Racer: Ichiyo Higuchi
Main Dealer: Elise
Main Transporter: Gin Akutagawa
Side Racer, Side Dealer, Main Mechanic: Motojiro Kaiji
Side Transporter, Side Dealer, Side Racer: Chuuya Nakahara
port dealer's code names
Ryunosuke Akutagawa (Akutagawa)
Ichiyo Higuchi (Slayer)
Elise (Dolly)
Gin Akutagawa (Spikes)
Motojiro Kaiji (MotoMoto)
Chuuya Nakahara (Red Head)
this lowkey is a crack fic so it features other anime characters- most are from haikyuu some will be from bnha. like i said- it'll just be around.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2022 ⏰

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