Body and Alloy

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In the video above I will tell you to watch certain seconds so you know how your body works.

(0:00-0:24) Shows when something is so extremely powerful, your whole body breaks.(But this is rare)

(0:40- 0:51) That's how your body breaks whether it be hands, legs, head, whatever.

(1:23 -1:33) Shows how you can still speak when your broken but if your head is broken off you have to wait for it to be put back on.

(2:11- 2:21) is how your hair glows/ sparkles when hit by the sunlight or moonlight.

(5:00-5:15) is another example of how your hair glows/ sparkles when it is hit by sunlight or moonlight. BTW Phos's reaction during these 15 seconds is how others react when they first meet you.

(6:00-6:16) How it looks when you break a leg, arm, or head. The inside is not flesh but white sapphire gem. That's also how the process of re-attachment looks like.

(6:20-6:43) Shows how the alloy on your hands works. You can form any shape and harden it. So like a sword, bow and arrow, warhammer, things like that. The alloy on your legs work like that to it can life you in the air. Your alloy can even form walls and harden it as defense. But Unlike Phos your alloy doesn't show all the time its covered by the skin powder they use. (Hope that clears it up)

(7:10-7:15) The blacked haired one(Bort), your hair is as long as hers if not longer. That's just to show how your hair moves and how long it is.

(13:39-13:46) That's just life throwing its problems at me but I'm so used to it that I just accept fate.

(13:51-13:51) Just shows how you can ever lose your eyes and still move. Its only if your whole head it broken or cut off then you can't move or speak, but after it's put back on you are back to normal, well normal you.

There will be another part to this.

The Gem Hero: White SapphireOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora