Joining Carver and meeting Clem

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Kitana Pov
I've been running with my brother Millie for a few weeks now after we destroyed that scientist group. Right now we're resting when I hear footsteps. We lost our older brother Aaron while escaping

I was about to charge then but I realized they have Millie so I can't

??:Troy they're kids relax
??:My bad boss
Kitana: Who are you
??: I'm Carver this is Troy
Troy: We saw that fire of y'all's and decided to check it out
Carver: How long y'all been out here
Millie: 7 weeks give or take
Carver: Y'all hungry we got a community not to far from here
Millie: What's the catch
Carver: You join us
Millie: We need a shelter so sure why not
Carver: Great. You got names
Millie: I'm Millie that's Kitana
Millie:12 she's 11
Carver: Alright let's get a move on
Timeskip to them arriving
After testing Kitana and Aaron's abilities they go to their room to rest.

Carver: Rest up tomorrow we have to go look for some people
Millie:Alright boss
Carver leaves
Kitana: Something us off
Millie: Just play along for now we'll be alright
Kitana: ok

With that they go to sleep

Timeskip to them preparing to go look for Rebecca

Carver: Ready
Millie and Kitana: Yes sir
Carver: pile in the truck
Timeskip to them arriving at the lodge
She doesn't come out
Carver: Go in there and anyone in there round up here
Soldiers: Yes sir
You and Millie go together
??: alright Clem we'll take out those 2 and sneak by them
??: Clem I trust you Kenny let's do it
They charge you but you both instantly counter them

Old man: What the Fuck!!
Girl with the Hat: Kenny what do we do
Millie: Look we're not gonna  fight you at all otherwise you'll end up dead
Kenny:Oh yeah
Millie's Pov
Kenny charges you and throws a jab at your face that you counter with ease and punch him in the gut making him fall to the ground
Millie ties their hands behind their backs and take them to Carver

Timeskip to getting back to Carver's community

Clem Pov
Those people didn't look much older that me.
Clem:Excuse me
Kitana: Yes?
Clem: How old are you
Kitana: I'm 11 my Sister is 12
Clem:Why are you working with them
Kitana: We don't have anywhere else to go
Clem: You can join us if you help us escape

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