Chapter 14---Alex's POV

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Alexander’s POV

Cold water woke me from my sleep. My eyes snapped open to see Nick smirking down at me with an empty glass in hand. I groaned as I saw Sam, Jared, and Jordan in my room as well. The twins were spinning one another in my computer chair, trying to throw the other onto the floor. Sam was flicking a lighter on and off as he surveyed my room. What was he even looking for?

Nick brought me out of my thoughts when he told me, “Get up and put some clothes on. Try to look semi decent. We are going to the mall and I don’t want to be seen with a bum in public. I have rep to uphold if you haven’t noticed. Be downstairs and in the car in fifteen minutes.”

He was about to walk out when I asked, “But don’t you stay here? How could you have reputation out there?”

He let out a bark of laughter. “You really don’t know anything new kid.” Then Nick and his cronies were gone.

I rubbed a hand over my face and groaned again. Did he really have to dump water on me? No he didn’t but he wouldn’t be Nick if he hadn’t.

I was in Miss Gray’s minivan in twelve minutes. Shawn looked me up and down before I got into the van. He had to make sure I looked good. Well that made me feel all warm and fuzzy…NOT! Seriously, my clothes weren’t that bad! I mean all I had was the clothes I had when I came to the house and the clothes Miss Gray gave to me. They weren’t ugly just plain. Isaac had loaned me some clothes for the mall so I could buy some of my own.

“I guess you look alright. You can get in. Just remember, don’t act stupid and don’t attract attention. One: We have a reputation. Two: We don’t want monsters on our butts,” Shawn told me. The other guys nodded in agreement. I was still confused about their “reputation”. How could people like the Grays, totally of the radar, have a rep? It doesn’t make sense.

We drove to the Atrium Mall. It was their favorite hangout. I had only been to the mall a couple times since I have lived in Chicago. I never really liked going to the mall. I was always at Lake Michigan, even in the cold and rainy seasons. Before I even knew about my powers, I loved the water. It just brought me peace and tranquility.

Walking into the familiar mall I finally realized why the Grays had a rep. I’m not even lying when I say every single head, boy and girl within a twenty foot radius, stared right at us. Girls were drooling and guys were trying to get fist bumps. One brunette girl, with a lot of exposed skin, went straight up to Nick and wrapped her arms around his waist. Nick just pushed her off and she went to Sam who did the same. Although Jordan quickly wrapped an arm around her shoulder so Jared couldn’t get to her.

“That is Stacey. She is always trying to get into one of our pants, but it never works. We at least have high standards in women,” Jace told me before walking into a book store. I let out a bark of laughter at the girl. Poor thing tried too hard.

I felt a tug on my shirt. I looked over to see Shawn pulling me towards a store. It smelled good in there. “Okay you need a light hoodie to pair with a leather jacket and then you need some good shoes. I guess converse is your style, that’s cool. We’ll stop there next. Now you need some jeans that say ‘I don’t give a shit’ while also saying ‘I look good’. Got it?” Shawn looked back at me seeing if I understood. I nodded my head, but honestly I was lost when I tried to read the store’s sign. I couldn’t tell what the store was called. I hated being dyslexic.

“Ok this is a good shirt, oh I like those pants. Hey Alex go pick out your own underwear. That is just wrong for me to get that for you.” Shawn shuddered then went back to picking clothes out for me. I laughed and walked to the other side of the store. Picking out a few pairs of boxers I looked up. There was a window showing me a street full of traffic and people…and a gray cloud? No wait that wasn’t just a gray cloud, those were birds.

Not fucking again!

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